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avalard's Journal
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2006-03-22 11:02:35
The Feminist
Been months since I made an entry here, and I've been snowed under with work since. That's what happens when you decide to juggle a part-time job, freelance work and decide to study for a Masters degree in film too....

I spend more than half of the week at the university now, surrounded by idiot students and idiot staff. My frustration at undergraduates asking silly questions like "Where's the Law Library", having arrived at the clearly labelled Law Library issue desk, has been replaced by frustration at my professor - a man who has no respect for my work, and my interest in cult film and television.

Sod him. Got a book deal since I last posted here, and a second offer which I put on hold. Starting to feel a bit better about my own ability though I'm currently in a quandrary about my PhD options. I need to move away from the horror which occupies my freelance work, and into other areas. Might look at 1960s British comedy in film and tv....

Was in Bradford last week for a couple of days of the Film Festival.

Incredibly frustrating I missed everyone I wanted to see - Malcolm McDowell (because I was flying back home to Belfast from London at the time - having gone for a job interview), and the god that is Eric Sykes! I couldn't afford to go back over, and then two days after I go home Jeremy Dyson of the League of Gentlemen was there.

Still, gave my paper at the Crash Symposium on The Descent, a much misunderstood and misrepresented horror film. Found it ultra-academic and tried to rewrite the day before giving it. 5000 words in a few hours is no easy task I can tell you. Managed to alienate/piss off most of the men in the audience and got some great feedback from the women in the audience. Chatting afterwards they understood. Guess there might be a little feminist in me after all

Home to repeat of Winter Sportsman (hurray!) a bit of Pertwee era Who, and a pile of work to do.

Still, got the job I went to be interviewed for, so its not all bad

Mood - Bitchy - couldn't you tell
Music - Jerry Reed; Ray Davies - Other People's Lives
Edited - Never

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