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eden263's Journal
Back to eden263's Journal
2006-01-11 08:50:51
Well, here we go...
Hmm, never done one of these online journal thingies before, though I have thought about it several times. Who'd want to read the ramblings of a madwoman anyway? 

Nothing much ever happens to me, I'm usually too busy flying about like a thing posessed, trying to juggle far too many balls at once, and no doubt even less will happen now I've taken the plunge and begun writing. Typical.

What I do want to know is where is all this chocolate coming from? Boxing day I woke up to find a carrier bag with 9 family-sized bars of chocolate in a bag, hanging from the front door knob. Why?  Who would do that? Why would someone leave chocolate on someone's door? A mystery. Couldn't have been Santa...Since then, the choco-fairy has called twice more, the last time being this morning, so I now have some 17 giant sized bars of chocolate sitting on the side in the kitchen. Quite frightening.

What am I meant to do with it all? I daren't eat them - they might be poisoned!  They're just building up and up. One day I'll be buried under chocolate! Normally, I'd love that idea, but alien chocolate of uncertain origin? Hmm...

And it's rubbing my face in it because I'm trying, and I emphasise the trying more than the success element, to lose weight. Pah. 

Anyway, I think that'll do for today. I'm much more interested in reading other peoples' entries. They have so much more exciting lives than I do. Huh. 

Night night 

Mood - Tired
Music - Kinesis - You Are Being Lied To
Edited - Never

Welcome eden263. It's always nice to have a new person writing journals! By the way, you know with those chocolates that you keep on getting, they probably won't be poisoned if they're in a wrapper, unless it's been tampered with or something... Ok, i better be off, bye bye!!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 11/01/2006 11:14 GMT
i tell you who'd want to read the ramblings of a madwoman-other mad women!  .Your own chocolate fairy/secret admirer?-brilliant!  .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 12/01/2006 20:57 GMT
We're all pretty mad around here.  Watch out, this journalling stuff is quite addictive!
Posted by:AC


date: 13/01/2006 20:46 GMT
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