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Twinkle2000's Journal
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2005-03-05 11:45:30
mmm, next week is the best week of my life and I haven't even had it yet! I mean only three sleeps to go! of course next week also happens to be the busiest week of my life, work wise! so, i figured i'd knuckle down, kill off all distractions and work till my brain exploded this weekend! instead, i stayed up late last night watching movies, im having people over today AND tomorrow and whilst i try and tell myself this is homework, it clearly isn't! i need to learn the art of NOT procrastinating! besides that, i cannot figure out how to get my own avatar on, and it's three whole days until i get to see the goodies. on the plus side, i earned myself a topic starters badge, (not quite sure how) and it's three days until i get to see the goodies!!!

Mood - Dunno, suit yourself!
Music - No, I'm working here!
Edited - Never

Well done on the topic starters badge - completely envious.  What part of the avatar are you stuck on?  It took me some time to work it out myself and now that I have (I think) I can't think of a suitable picture/whatever. 
Apparently it's only three days until you see the Goodies.  Am going to 7 pm Melbourne show.  Have you seen the forum entry about club members catching up at the Arts Centre cafe after the 7pm show, waiting until the end of the 2nd show and then embarking on a signature hunt?
Posted by:Lax


date: 05/03/2005 22:32 GMT
Note to last comment - apologies as I see you are well aware of Melbourne show get together and in fact realise you are not pretending to wear a tall Welsh hat.  Thought the name rang a bell.
Posted by:Lax


date: 05/03/2005 22:44 GMT
Dear Lax,
Would like to sincerally thank you for your last coments!

U totally cracked me up!! That's what I love about this site, the people!!! Great sense of humour! And that's why I'm going to do everything I can to get to the get togther after the 7pm Melbourne show. Are you going? I'll keep you posted!
P.S. What hat are you not going to be wearing?
Posted by:Twinkle2000


date: 06/03/2005 10:02 GMT
G'day Rachael/Twinkle2000 (I'm not too familiar with 'comment etiquette'),

Will be at 7pm show with a few buddies and at gathering afterwards.  Will most likely not wear a Goodies cap that I will probably not purchase for $20 from merchandise stall.  May not buy any other highly desirable items also. 

Quite sad really - but I've even had a Goodies related dream in the last week!  Hopefully once show is seen and money is spent and DVD purchased (and viewed) I will have purged all Goodie related urges for some time (not possible, I know).

I should post these sorts of comments on my own journal in an endeavour to become slightly more badged - but I will consider this to be an altruistic venture which will lead to your journal becoming a by-word on the Goodies Rule OK web site.

Have you noticed, there are some journals with no entries but people, like sometimes lots of people, have viewed the empty journals!  Must admit that I have - but only to see if it was possible of course - as a social experiment of course - not through foolishness or anything...

Anyways, must trundle off as this late night internet stuff is becoming a bit crazy and affecting, ah, well not much really.  Good luck with the busiest work week ever now upon you.  Remember, Wizz Fizz and 'V' (energy drink) are your friends - until the dentist scolds you for too much sugar consumption and then proceeds to drill without enough anaesthetic, but that's another story, so don't let it put you off.

Posted by:Lax


date: 06/03/2005 23:58 GMT
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