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zaphod's Journal
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2005-12-14 11:45:00
Just thought I'd upload a couple of pics from after the Adelaide Goodies Show, since I've been very slack and haven't done it yet, I thought it was high time I did.

Here's one of Tim, Graeme and lil' ol' me

And one of a friend of Tim, Tammy and myself, taken by our very own Janice

and lastly, another one of a friend of mine, James with TBT & GG

I'll put up more later, once I get the personal galleries working on the site.

Mood - Tired and stressed
Music - Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract
Edited -

Great photos-i think that GG's jawline has held up better than TBT's!They look so lovely and friendly.TBT just looks so huggable.Janice -no doubt you'll read this-i envy you your hug even more now-haha .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 14/12/2005 12:30 GMT
Thanks, although, I can't take any of the credit,mainly becasue I wasn't the one who tookthe photos

Mind you, it's probably a good thing I re-sized them though.  In nearly every photo of me, I have these evil looking red eyes, and one of Janice's photos of me and TBT actually looks like I'm about to do something evil to TBT, and that's just not like me at all.  Actually, I think I sneezed or something.  I might put that pic up somewhere in a while
Posted by:zaphod


date: 14/12/2005 22:10 GMT
Thank you for the acknowledgement!
Daftbird: Maybe you'll get to meet the guys next time they come to Australia!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 14/12/2005 23:24 GMT
Fantastic pics Zaph!!  Would love to see the "evil" one too. hehehehe
Posted by:AC


date: 19/12/2005 15:55 GMT
What absolutely fabulous pics.  Like daftbird i am even more green with envy over the hugs, DAMN my shy retiring self.  Next time i shan't be so backward in coming forward and TBT had better brace himself...(rubbing hands together and laughing evilly)
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 21/12/2005 12:00 GMT
What absolutely fabulous pics.  Like daftbird i am even more green with envy over the hugs, DAMN my shy retiring self.  Next time i shan't be so backward in coming forward and TBT had better brace himself...(rubbing hands together and laughing evilly)
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 21/12/2005 12:01 GMT
mmmm where do I get to meet your friend, James??
Posted by:Nynook


date: 21/12/2005 12:06 GMT
You can meet him at the Dr Who Fan Club of SA (also known as SFSA), he's a regular.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 22/12/2005 10:57 GMT
Great photos - can't say I'm not jealous but!
Posted by:ek


date: 22/12/2005 11:14 GMT
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