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AC's Journal
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2005-11-27 17:19:58
Weekendy Stuff
Trent and I have been playing my new playstation games. It's fun playing Buzz the Music Quiz together. And the Singstar 80s games. We discovered that the voice for Buzz is done by Jason Donovan! He really does a good job of the hammy game show host!

Been out househunting again. Saw two places yesterday which were quite good. Now we've got to decide whether we like them enough to get serious. (Get a hold of the Section 32. See the solicitors again. Be prepared to bid at auction for one or put in an offer for the other. Etc, etc, etc....)  Last week we looked at a house which we realised we had seen before. Ages and ages ago before we started seriously hunting. On the for sale sign it said that it was a decease estate. I said "Do you realise that this means, in the time we've been househunting: this house has been sold. A person has bought the house, lived in the house, DIED in the house and now it's being sold again.  And meanwhile we are STILL househunting!!" 

Friday was Trent's Nanna's birthday so we went round yesterday and took her some flowers and chocolates. She told us the same old stories she always tells us  But this time she mentioned that she'd been watching Home and Away - which I thought was quite funny.

Also yesterday I went to the post office to collect my exciting parcel which had arrived in the mail. The lovely cscamp from here at GROK had sent me a vid with TBT & GG on Bert's Good Morning Australia, and also the Funky Gibbon episode of Spicks and Specks. Cool!  She also sent me a book about Footlights which is really intersting. Trent and I were reading it in the car in between open houses while we were househunting yesterday.

Spent nearly all day today doing housework  And felt totally stuffed afterwards  Still have to do the grocery shopping yet but at least we have a nice clean house to collapse in now.

Mood - Worn out!
Music - None playing but Funky Gibbon is in my head
Edited - Never

Great AC, I love getting a mention in you diary entry for the weekend. When you're famous and your diary is published - 'Diary of a Goodies Fan' I'll ask for a signed copy
Hope you are not too worn out with all the searching, cleaning and shopping. Keep the Gibbon Funky in your head!!

Posted by:cscamp


date: 27/11/2005 18:56 GMT
hehehe thanks cscamp. Actually the parcel from you was really the best part of my weekend!  And now the weekend is nearly over.
Posted by:AC


date: 27/11/2005 21:38 GMT
oh damn - I know you love work

Posted by:cscamp


date: 28/11/2005 11:06 GMT
Isn't cscamp such a good little cuddly scamp then!? .Hey AC my great-aunt watches "home and away"-i don't even watch it-she turned 90 on the 15th.Good on her.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 28/11/2005 12:27 GMT
Hey guys. Yeah it's a drag getting up for work in the morning. But I have to admit I'm really enjoying the temporary role they've got me doing at work. Looks like I'll be staying there until at least the end of the year now. Yay!  I think it's going to be very hard going back to my regular duties after this.

Daftbird I agree that cscamp really is a good cuddly scamp. It was so lovely of her to send me that cool stuff.
I can't believe your 90yo great aunt watches Home and Away!!  All the suburbanites at work watch it. I've never really watched it myself.
Posted by:AC


date: 28/11/2005 19:05 GMT
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