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Janice's Journal
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2005-11-26 10:31:38
Goodie, Goodie, Yum, Yum!
Before I went to The Goodies concert last night, my head started up this song:

“I’m off to see The Goodies, the wonderful Goodies in Oz,
Because, because, because, because of the wonderful things they does…” etcetera! (Now, can you tell I was a little excited?)

I have loved The Goodies since I was about ten or eleven years old…and considering I’m going to be forty next year, that’s a good amount if time! Last night I got to meet two of them after the shows. Thus you will notice my NEW avatar! It was wonderful meeting them. They are just lovely.

I got Tim’s autograph, said, “My favourite Goody!” and commented about how I’d loved his version of Wild Thing since I was about eleven. He said that as he’s gotten older it hasn’t been as embarrassing to do! On telling our zaphod about it, he said women wish they were the one who got hugged, (like in Tim’s original Wild Thing). I said I’d thought about getting a hug, but didn’t know if I could. But, apparently, our Goodies are rather fond of a cuddle, so once I had Graeme’s autograph and a photo with him, I went back to Tim for round two! This time I got a photo and the cuddle you see in my avatar. I was soooo excited. (Thank you, zaphod: I wouldn’t have met them without your info!  )

They stayed for quite a while: long enough for all the fans there to meet them and take photos and ask questions. If you ever get the chance to hang around with a group of fans, in a drafty street, late at night, waiting to meet them…let me tell you…it’s WORTH it!

Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never

Of course it's worth it.  I did it twice.  Not sure if it was dedication or desperation, either way it's worth the effort, and the lads are wonderful about meeting the fans.  Especially the "Groupie Girls" 
Posted by:zaphod


date: 28/11/2005 08:15 GMT
Sounds like a fantastic night Janice! Congrats on meeting the guys. Love the avatar. Can we see your other photos? I'm jealous that you got hugs. I was too nervous and shy for that. I did pose for a pic with the guys at the signing. I stood behind them (they were sitting) and leaned in. I sort of put my arms around them but was barely touching them really. Too shy! *blush*
Posted by:AC


date: 28/11/2005 18:57 GMT
Yes Janice I to have experienced the jubilation of lining up, meeting and getting autographs from Tim ( my favorite goody also ) and Graeme (my husbands) however I to was too shy to ask for a hug (DAMN) but instead managed to stand there giggling like a fool because I MET THE GOODIES!!!!! Still, was making a fool of myself  worth it you may ask, DAMN STRAIGHT cos I MET THE GOODIES. Yeah to me. PS i did touch Tim on the arm tee hee tee hee.
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 04/12/2005 23:54 GMT
Sorry AC, I didn't realise your message had been posted and didn't respond. Don't let yourself be "too shy" in life; you miss out on too much. I'm not saying to be doing anything inappropriate, but sometimes one can hold back too much and miss out on life's little opportunities. I learnt that years ago and tend to press in now, more than many others would.
Go to:
I'll put others there later.

bondgirl: Hehe...I touched Tim on the arm when he was giving me his autograph, too...but was encouraged by our GoodiesRuleOk "leader" that a hug wasn't out of the I went for the photo and round two! Ah, success!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 05/12/2005 23:25 GMT
(How could this have been there since the 26th and i not notice that the number of journal entries had gone up!)Janice, it really is such a fantastic photo-so good that you went for the hug.If ever you get down all you'll have to do is look at yourself with timbo bring yourself back up again!(thankyou again for sending me the photo,i love it).
Posted by:daftbird


date: 05/12/2005 23:32 GMT
Yes I engouraged you to go for the hug, but I'm not the leader, that's the job of T' Grand Master of Ecky Thump (Lisa).  I am just the not-so-humble webmaster.....
Posted by:zaphod


date: 06/12/2005 09:51 GMT
Ah, zaphod, Lisa is a name to me...I KNOW you!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 06/12/2005 23:13 GMT
I am so jealous of you Janice! In my journal I said how I just missed out on meeting Tim (my favourite as you can see in my name) and Graeme. If I had met them at that signing in Dymocks (which was in Glenelg), I would have overcome my shyness and just asked for a hug from Tim! Also I would've asked for a photo with him, like the one of you and Tim. and anyone who wants to know the story, just read my journal..
Now I want The Goodies to come back and do another show in Aussie! So I can see their wonderful act live again, and so I can get a hug from Tim, and a photo!!

Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 01/01/2006 11:58 GMT
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