The night after the Goodies Melbourne show I got to meet with Janice after her horsey show Equitana had finished. We had many things to talk about, as she showed me her artwork, and let me teel you that the items you see on her website [visit her journal for the addy] are but a small sampling of her talent. I also got to see some photos of her beau Stephen, and when I made the comment that they looked like a married couple, Janice gave me a funny look and told me the story of how someone else had made a similar comment during a weekend at Steves farm. In all probability a lot of other people have thought the same, but just never mentioned it. When you add in the somewhat spooky fact that some of Janices earliest press clippings on aviation included Stephen then things just get into the Twilight Zone. These two have so much common ground that for them to not end up together would basically be going against the laws of nature. To sum up the situation I think the best way to express it is to use the old airmans adage, "What looks right, Flies right.
It was fun to meet Janice and to also see her get so excited by the gas jets outside Crown Casino.
hey d-day,i was beginning to wonder where you'd gotten off to-so it was good to see the return of the goodie meals-and now your journal as well.You said "what looks right,flies right"-are you sure that you haven't just got "flies" on the brain at the moment?? .
Hmmm...yes, I get excited by simple things! You have an interesting way of talking about meeting me...all about me and Stephen, really...even though you didn't meet him... Thank you for your compliments re my art work.
Gotta love the gas jets. hahahaha Those things still give me a heart attack sometimes. I swear they are going to melt someone's eyebrows off or something!
Huh...I missed seeing he was up to that...I just keep checking to see if he's written a new journal...where is D-Day, anyway? I wrote him an email on Sunday and he hasn't replied yet... he hasn't contributed online since this journal entry, has he?