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D-Day's Journal
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2005-10-21 11:50:05
40 journal Entries How about another Badge?
I reckon we should have a Journal Level 4 badge for 40 journal Entries to reward those members who not only have a journal but bother making regular entries. I also belive that there should be either buttons or an automatic ranking of the journals to indicate new entries and the most visited journals. The journals near the top of the page naturally get viewed more often, and inactive journals should settle to the bottom of the list.

Mood - Whatever
Music -
Edited - Never

Some good points there, D-Day. Isn't amazing how many views some journals have had, that have zero entries?! I spoke to zaphod abput that once and I think he was considering doing something about it. I mean, there's no point in  those journals taking up space on the page, when they have nothing in them! I think they should have 1 month, from starting the journal, to write an entry and if they don't, the journal should be deleted.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 22/10/2005 14:52 GMT
Or at the very least be relegated to the very bottom of the page and if still inactive after 3 months then dumped. I mean how good does it look to new and prospective members and other visitors to have blank journals to view. It is or would be a different matter if they are private journals, but then they should be in a category of their own.

Checked out your art site today where are the Hurricane and Lancaster?
Posted by:D-Day


date: 25/10/2005 14:08 GMT
I like your idea on ranking the journals in order of activity, D-Day. When I first accessed the site, I thought that's the way it was; became very confused at the number of high-up empty journals and low-down exciting journals. Can we petition zaphod?
Posted by:Junius


date: 27/10/2005 10:49 GMT
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