I have just launched myself onto the Internet as an aviation artist, with my new WEB SITE! I discovered tonight that I could have a web site through my Yahoo! account. I got onto it straight away. Here's the address:
I've just had a look at it. Some very nice pieces there Janice. I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to do with the ones you sent me, now that you have your own website, but it has given me an idea to add personal galleries to the site. I'll look into it further and get back to you.
hi janice,this is such lovely news-and you are such a clever thing as we all know-good on you!haven't been in here for a while-didn't realise until today that the number of entires had changed.will check this out .
Daftbird: the number of "entires"? (You must watch those typos, daftbird! I KNOW you mean entries, but a horsie person like me can't help thinking of stallions when they read that typo! I wonder if any entires are running in the Melbourne Cup tomorrow?
Thank you for your praise! All gratefully received!
Hey daftbird, you got it! The mystery is solved, hallelujah! But watch the typos or I shall descend upon thee like thunder!
Janice, went and checked out your new site today. Really liked your pics; I can only imagine what it must be like to be able to draw as well as that! Signed your guestbook too, but I'm not sure if I did it right because I haven't seen it come up yet. Maybe it takes more time... oh well, I can always sign it again!