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Janice's Journal
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2005-09-20 23:32:25
How the Time Flies!
I've been writing so many comments in other people's journals that I haven't bothered with mine...for over a month!! I thought I'd check out if I had any new comments and saw my last entry was about my birthday! So this is something about nothing much...sorry to bore you.

Junius thinks I'm a country girl...boy I get people fooled! It's okay Junius, you're not the first to think that! I think I'm a city-raised girl, with a brain that lives in the country. I'm from farm stock. My grandpa was a pioneering farmer at Marama, in the Murray-Mallee and my mum grew up on the farm. She rode her horse in the Karoonda Show. (You'll find those places on a decent map!) My dad came from...yes,  Melbourne! Mum moved to Adelaide when they were getting married. I love it in the country and am at home with horses and sheep and chooks and kangaroos.

Mood - Tired
Music - None
Edited - Never

Who's the patsy? Me! I thought I was close to the mark with my 'country gal' comment, but I was wrong. To coin a phrase: whoops!

Do you live in the city and keep your horses in a stable elsewhere? I would assume so, but look where it got me before
Posted by:Junius


date: 25/09/2005 18:12 GMT
You were wrong, but understandably so!
I live in an outer suburb of Adelaide and keep my horse and kangaroo at my friend's 15 acres, about 1/4 hour drive away, in the start of the countryside. She has a horse, 2 roos and sheep there.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 25/09/2005 22:52 GMT
Ah, it all makes sense now! I live in the country myself (at least I didn't get my own place of residence wrong, that would be pretty sad) and we always seem to have plenty of animals hanging around, although we don't actually have a farm *shrug* go figure. I much prefer the country to the city, how about you?
Posted by:Junius


date: 28/09/2005 02:29 GMT
As I said, I'm "A city-raised girl, with a brain that lives in the country!" I love the country...salt-bush, mallee scrub, searching out the wildlife, etc.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 28/09/2005 23:58 GMT
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