One good thing about moving into my own share house is that now I can get back on line. Well I have been back on line for nearly a month but I have been slack about filling in this journal. First I was using dail up and then ADSL, which was great, talk about fast, tjhat is until I used up my high speed quota for the month, so now I'm back to near dail up speed. Either way its all better than having to borrow time at my family members houses or at the local library. I mean having access is better than being "Web Blind" but it losses its fun after a while. The only down side to having the web at home now, is just how much time and energy it can suck up, its worse than Tv, or maybe it is the new TV?
Yes, I'm going to have to be tougher on myself and limit the amount of time I spend online. It is a little addictive, isn't it? A real time-waster! (Mind you, I'm sure the time I spend is a mild amount compared to some people!)
Time Vacum is more appropriate still if used wisely it can be good like Maxwell Smart said 'If only he had used his powers for niceness not evil", and that sums it up pretty well.