I cleared out some of my items out of the share house over the last two days and one of the items was my non stick electric frying pan. Guess what it was covered in sratches. So what you say? No big deal. When if I told you that it was my 21st present from my Auntie and my late Uncle and I have had it for 19 years, would that make a difference? I am feeling a Wery Wengeful Woaman [think Monty Python when reading this] and so somewhat bitter
D-day-if it's as old as that what the hell do you expect?.No doubt your frying pan is older than some of the people that visit this site(unfortunately i'm not one of them).If it was all perfect and unscratched surely that would indicate a lack of appreciation for the gift- it would be like an unlined face-vewy borwing indeed.That was a really crap attempt at cheering you up.Sowwy.
Hey Ill have you know it was in near mint condition. I got it as a 21st present so that I would always have cooking stuff ready for when I moved out, and I did until my now Ex wife disposed of my pots and pans and then took her stuff when she left. We are now getting into a very dark and evil part of D-Day's life. Nothing further to say.
I understand...I believe what you were getting at was that it got all scratched up by your last lot of house-mates. Am I correct? Understandably annoying!!
Aw sowwy d-day i got the wrong end of the ....frying pan handle.I thought you'd done it yourself over time.(Hey I TRIED to palm the pots off as they belonged to him but he wouldn't take them -ha ha.).Forget losery housemates and go buy a nice new frying pan ,peel some potatoes and have some home made hotchips and you'll feel better with all those starchy carbs in your gut. No doubt.