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Janice's Journal
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2005-07-13 12:33:51
A Town Like Alice, Part 2
It’s been a while since I wrote a recent entry…my time has been taken up with various things, including the fact that I now have a boyfriend! He’s a lovely guy. What more do I need to say?

The trip to Alice Springs was great. I hadn’t been there since I was 11 years old, although I have been to Central Australia twice since then. For those of you unaccustomed to the size of this continent I live on, it takes about 9 hours’ driving time from Adelaide just to get to Coober Pedy, (not including breaks!) where we stayed the first night. The next stretch is about, I guess, 7 or 8 hours’ driving time, to get to Alice Springs. I was just a passenger, but it is so far and with early starts, it was very tiring. Much of the distance is flat, barren and tree-less, especially around the Coober Pedy area. The vegetation changes northwards, but it is arid land. There were dead roo carcasses littering the roadside and wedge-tailed eagles were a magnificent and common sight.

The conference itself was good and I had fun at the fancy-dress dinner. Our accommodation in Lasseter’s Hotel was lovely. I felt rather spoilt. I had a look around Alice on Wed arvo, when we had time off. I visited the Central Australian Aviation Museum, which had amongst other things, two aircraft on display that had been involved in the loss of life…3 men who perished, because they were lost in the desert. From there I walked into town. I had a look at Panorama Guth, which is an interesting painting of Central Australia, which I hadn’t seen since I was 11. I have a new perspective on it, now that I do my own art work. I shopped and looked around. Some of the staff from work were going to Anzac Hill Lookout, so I got to have a nice view of the sunset and take some photos.

By the time we left the Alice, rain had come and we were not able to go off onto the dirt roads to visit one of the remote Aboriginal communities, as planned. There was lots of water about and, as we left Coober Pedy on our last day, there was fog stretching for miles. It was an interesting change to the trip up. Rain is so uncommon out there, but of my 4 visits to Central Australia, it has rained on 3 of them! Mind you the rain only came at the end of the trip. It was nice to get away from Adelaide winter and have sunny days and at least one day where I got around in a t-shirt. 

By the way, I have my second journaling badge now!

Mood - Happy
Music - Essential Eighties
Edited - Never

I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to the Alice.  You mentioning Anzac Hill, reminds me of the gutser I took trying to ride my pushbike down it without brakes....
Posted by:zaphod


date: 15/07/2005 08:41 GMT
He he  
That's some hill to ride down...even with brakes! There were people running up it, doing training. The road is fairly narrow and steep and curving. It was basically dark by the time we were leaving...I wouldn't be surprised if someone gets bowled over sometime!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 15/07/2005 10:14 GMT
Oops...i didn't mean to poke my tongue out...wrong icon!!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 15/07/2005 10:15 GMT

You have to remember, I was 11 years old at the time, and convinced of my own immortality.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 15/07/2005 22:06 GMT
That's funny...I was 11 the last time I was in the Alice!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 17/07/2005 14:23 GMT
(insert twilight zone theme here)
Posted by:zaphod


date: 17/07/2005 15:22 GMT
The only time I have been to The Alice was for a night while driving to Darwin [over 7 days in convoy packets from Melbourne]for the Army Exercise Kangaroo '89. Kangaroo '89 was to be the largest peacetime millitary exercise held in Australia since WW11. I spent the night sleeping in the main [only?] building at the race track with the sounds of the local aboriginies down in the dry river bed serenading us to sleep. D-Day
Posted by:D-Day


date: 30/07/2005 20:13 GMT
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