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Janice's Journal
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2005-06-25 11:11:34
A Catch-Up and Batman Begins
Well, it's been a long time since I last made an entry. Then I just wrote up a nice entry and it didn't insert into my journal. Grrrr!

Life has been busy and a couple of things are troubling me. With one thing and another, I just haven't felt like writing, I guess.

I saw Batman Begins last night and really enjoyed it. It hearkens back to the former Batman, with Michael Keaton. I appreciated the way this one has explanations for the presence of the amazing gadgets, etc.

I am going to have quality time with my horse, Muscles, today. I have not had much opportunity lately and haven't ridden for several weeks. I have been busy. Plus we have had a record amount of rain this month and with the solstice having just past and consequently the days being so short, it has been difficult to spend time with him. The farm has been so muddy and slippery, though, that I'm not sure how much success I will have even today. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Mood - Tired and Bothered
Music - None
Edited -

Muscles? I sure hope with a name like that, that Muscles is a stallion or at the very least a gelding, its not really the sort of name for a female horse. I could be wrong, but then again. How about an entry to describe Muscles to us, especially the choice of name. D-Day
Posted by:D-Day


date: 25/06/2005 12:05 GMT
I know that Janice has some very good pictures of Muscles, not to mention some excellent Aircraft paintings she's done.  Maybe if we beg, plead & grovel enough, she will get some scanned so they can be put up online, or even just emailled to a priveliged few.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 26/06/2005 19:50 GMT
I have scanned photos, but I don't know how to put them online...could I add them to a journal, zaphod?
Ok...I will do a journal...but not tonight. And, yes, Mus is a boy, but not "entire".
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 27/06/2005 23:00 GMT
You can't add them to a journal exaclty. however if you want to email them to me, I'll make sure they end up somewhere you can access them.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 29/06/2005 11:08 GMT
Ok Zaphod, thank you. I'll get onto it, but maybe not until the school holidays in 1 1/2 weeks' time. I'll be at conference in Alice Springs next week! Yay...I'm looking forward to a fun trip.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 30/06/2005 00:08 GMT
Does this mean you won't be coming to the pub meet on Saturday?
Posted by:zaphod


date: 30/06/2005 08:12 GMT
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