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D-Day's Journal
Back to D-Day's Journal
2005-06-06 23:24:51
D-Day Plus 61 Years
Today is 6 June 2006, 61 years after "D-Day" also known as "The Longest  Day" , so what better day for "D-Day" to begin a public diary. 

So why choose D-Day as my site name?

First the brief history lesson/refresher for you readers.
The name "D-Day" refers to 6 june 1944, the day "The Allies", began the invasion of Nazi Occupied Europe, on the beaches and landing grounds of Normandy, France.
This event has been shown in several films the most recent being "Saving Private Ryan".
Should you wish to learn more then Google "D-Day". For you tech types try also "Mulberry Harbour", DUKW, LST,PLUTO, and "Hobarts Funnies", and you might learn something.

Now for the reasons;

Firstly, the last four didgits of my Army Reserve, [ARES]  Regimental Number, [you know, name, rank and serial number] are 6644, which translated into a date becomes 6/6/44, translated again becomes, 6th June 1944, which  equals "D-Day".
Strange but true, especially as I was given the number and did not choose it.
One or more places to the left or right in the line and this whole story would go belly up.

Secondly, I have been studying D-Day since school, and I have got to say that the internet makes it a lot easier to learn about today, and it is amazing what you can learn about from the many sites available.

Thirdly, there was a character in the John Belushi movie "Animal House" named "Brother D-Day", and as I have a connection to another of John's films the "Brother D-Day" title fitted.

Fourthly, I was discussing D-Day and France with my dad the other day and it turns out that I was present for the 25th Anniversary in 1969. I dont remember much as I was only 4 at the time, but at least I can say I have been there.

So the nett result is that "D-Day" fits and "If the shoe fits wear it".

Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never

I feel it is only appropriate that I be the first person to enter a comment! (And I'm rather chuffed at having managed to get in first!) Well done on starting a journal. I am amazed at your full D-Day-naming story. How incredible! The shoe does appear to fit.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 07/06/2005 17:11 GMT
Thank you Janice.
I wonder if it would have been more appropriate to say If the boot fits wear it.  G.P boot size 10, Horizontal single laced of course.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 07/06/2005 19:49 GMT
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