I have seen the new movie...finally! Oh how well everything has been brought together. Mr. Lucas is a very clever film-maker, to say the least! I watched Episodes One and Two (Edit: I should add "again"!), over the last few days, now I've seen Episode Three. It will be fun to watch the other episodes to see, for once, the whole story in order!
The scenery is spectacular and the machines are so amazing, as to entertain any engineer...as I found with one of my friends!
I'm glad you liked it. I know I did. Looking forward to the new Batman movie in 2 weeks as well. Then Fantastic 4, then I'm sure there will be something else worth checking out....
I'm glad that Revenge of the Sith exceeded your expectations!Mr Lord has invited me to the outing for Batman Begins, which I'm considering being part of. And, by the way, I'm a "new Dr. Who" junkie!