Totally stressed out this week. Far to much to do and nowhere enarenough time to do it. How is this any different from any other week I hear you ask? I'm falling behind schedule in a development project I'm working on. Nothing unusual about that but in this case, the finished product has to be shipped to Darwin by the end of the week. I still have no idea how I'm going to finish this thing.
I know I should be working on it instead of writing in my journal, but I've had brain freeze, and don't have the foggiest idea of which direction to go on this thing. Maybe after lunch I'll be able to concentrate better on it.
Still on the topic of work, I had a late one last night. I went onsite to a client's office and was there from about 5:00pm til about 10:30pm. They upgraded to a PIX firewall and we spent most of the night trying to track down some very annoying bugs with it. At least I managed to get out of having to go there again tonight as some of the other hardware going in isn't ready yet and probably won't be until Friday. Of course, Friday being the 13th, I fully expect everything to go completely wrong and we will have to start the whole upgrade again next week, when the universe re-asserts itself......
Mood - overworked
Music - Gregorian - Masters of Chant
There really isn't much anyone can say when life is being difficult, but I hope you can get it all in hand and that things start getting a bit easier. Try and get a few moments, just for yourself, over the weekend.