The following story was told on-stage by Tim, when I saw the Goodies in Adelaide. I'd forgotten about it, but just found this rendition of it on Wikipedia and felt it was worth sharing with those who may not be familiar with it:
"On 24 March 1975 Alex Mitchell, a 50-year-old bricklayer from King's Lynn literally died laughing while watching an episode of The Goodies.
According to his wife, who was a witness, Mitchell was unable to stop laughing whilst watching a sketch in the episode "Kung Fu Kapers" in which Tim Brooke-Taylor, dressed as a kilted Scotsman, used a set of bagpipes to defend himself from a psychopathic black pudding (from the Lancastrian martial art "Ecky-Thump") in a demonstration of the Scottish martial art of "Hoots-Toot-ochaye." After twenty-five minutes of continuous laughter Mitchell finally slumped on the sofa and expired from heart failure.
His widow later sent the Goodies a letter thanking them for making Mitchell's final moments so pleasant.(This incident and the letter were also confirmed by the Goodies, themselves, on stage during their February-March, 2005, tour of Australia.)