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zaphod's Journal
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2007-03-18 16:46:36
Better late than never
I'm a couple of days late with this one, but I needed to calm down a bit first.

Firstly, this should rightly have come before the previous post, but I wanted to throw that one on the site in the few seconds I had before leaving for the show.

This entry is about the <expletive deleted> week I've had up until that point.

Monday, I spent all day from 8am til nearly 9pm upgrading and installing a server at work, unly to get home and promptly head for the loo (bathroom for US residents).  This became an hourly exercise for the next few days.  Interspersed within these bursts of activity, I also had a bunch of things on the server that I had done Monday which didn't quite work properly and had to be fixed.  This took most of Tuesday as well (for which I was physically at work for this).

Wednesday, well, I was at home being sick, doing some minor fixes to the work server and thought I'd be able to relax and stuff like my doctor told me to for the next day or so.  This was not to be, as at about 6pm on Wednesday night, my Fiance tells me she can't access the SFSA (South Australian Dr. Who Fan Club) website, and I take a look, only to find that I can't access the entire server.  This server being the same one that the GROK site is on, along with about 50 others.  As you may imagine, panic set in at about this point.

I called technical support, spending some time on hold before getting to a human (doesn't that sound typical?) who wasn't really able to tell me much except that he couldn't connect to the server either, and wasn't able to do much himself, and would need to notify level 2 support.  This was the last I heard of the matter all night. 

Thursday morning, at 7:30am I'm on the phone again, trying to get some information, and essentially decide there and then that the server has finally given up the ghost and needs to be physically replaced, not something as simple as restarting.  I can't get physical access to the datacentre until 10am that morning, which gave me time to head for the loo (again) shower, change and get up there thanks to a friend of mine who very nicely gave me a lift.  He knows who he is, so I won't mention his name.

I retrieved my old server and got a lift back to my office where the new one was waiting.  Unfortunately, I hadn't had much time recently to work on it, so it needed a lot of work before I could put it online and start using it.  This was nearly finished at around 3pm, when I got another lift (In case you haven't noticed, I don't drive) back to the datacentre with the new server, which took about half an hour to install and make sure was working, before I headed for home and finished setting it up remotely.

Friday.  I actually managed to sleep in for a bit before having to get up and finish fixing bits and pieces on the new server before getting ready to go out.  Yes, even though I was still sick, I was determined to go tho the Weird Al Yankovic concert, which i had waited 2 years for and forked over $80, which is not an amount to be sneezed at.

So, as you can see, I've had a cow of a week and I definitely never want another one like it.

Mood - tired and shagged out after a long sqawk
Music - None at the moment
Edited - Never

Ooooo! Zaphod, not good! But hey, at least you had all the BLAH! things at once and only spoilt one week!

I send a cyberhug!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 24/03/2007 12:45 GMT
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