I have just returned home after a magnificent show by the one and only Weird Al Yankovic. I'd love to have heard the last half of the show but being seated only 6 feet from the main speaker stack has left me feeling rather depleted of auditory function.
Probably far too much excitement after a week of being sick and extremely stressed.
Having to build a server at short notice is bad enough. Having to build a server with software you haven't tested properly can be nightmarish.
I guess this is about as geeky as one can get, but I value my hearing more than concerts, so I took soft ear plugs to the last one I went to! (Split Enz)The plugs reduced the volume level, but didn't ruin the listening quality too much. I could hear the music quite well, my ears didn't hurt and I wasn't sitting there thinking about how much damage they were getting. Makes sense to me!