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zaphod's Journal
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2007-03-08 09:51:26
Zen and the art of Systems Administration
I know I shouldn't take this seriously but sometimes it's hard not to.  Let me illustrate the problem....

Yesterday, first thing I'm required to 'fix' a problem on a users computer whereby the data file for microsuck lookout (outlook for the slightly less clued up persons) decided it had had enough and corrupted itself.  Normally this would have been all fine and dandy as I know I have backups taken every day.  I go to the backup and find the offending file and try to restore it.  Hmm, zero length file. This is weird.  I take another look and realise that the entire backup for the past 2 months is corrupted as well.  This is really annoying because I have some error checking in place for exactly this reason and it didn't notify my of any problems at all. 

As you may imagine, my stress levels are rising extremely high at this point, made worse by said users ability to increase the stress levels of those around her by a factor of a couple million, just from being on the same planet.

This takes me a good few hours to recover anything at all from this particular problem, when another user comes in with an even more annoying problem.  This time the entire inbox for his email has just disappeared in front of him.  Now I have 2 stressful situations to deal with.

Somehow the whole thing has become a deliberate act of sabotage and completely and utterly my fault (I admit it's partly my fault and partly the fault of microsuck for making such a crappy email client) but that doesn't make it any better for me.

Some people just shouldn't have computers.  I'm tempted to take away their shiny new computer and replace it with some crayons and butchers paper.

Now that I've had my rant, I suddenly feel much better.

Mood - Highly Stressed
Music - Weird Al - Hardware Store
Edited - Never

Yuckko, Zaphod.  Nothing like trying to explain to the semi-tech-literate that these damn things have a mind of their own sometimes.    Hope it's fixable.
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 08/03/2007 08:34 GMT
Thanks Jodes.  Yes everything is fixable if you have a large enough hammer .....
Posted by:zaphod


date: 09/03/2007 02:00 GMT
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