I should have known better than to venture out yesterday without body armor, and some really thick mud smeared all over me.
Sunblock doesn't work!!!!!!!
I'm annoyingly burned on my arms, face and back of my neck, from approximately half an hour in the sun yesterday while riding my bike to work and back. Annoying because I was wearing quite a lot of sunscreen (30+) and I still got burned. Time to bring out the long-sleeved shirts and big floppy hats (very inconvenient while wearing a helmet I might add)
Even more annoying was that I've spent nearly 20 hours at work over the weekend to upgrade some hardware in a server and I couldn't get the <expletive deleted> thing to work. At least my office has air conditioning (in one part of the building anyhow) so I wasn't completely melting.
I still have to find a solution to the failing hardware in the server, so maybe I can scrounge enough parts to make a while new server and just do it that way, rather than trying to replace by parts alone.
Yes, I know I should be working instead of posting in my journal, but what the heck. Nobody else is even at the office yet. It's just about 9am on Monday morning and I'm the only one here to answer phones and do work.
Oh well. Enough waffling for one day, or maybe just enough for the morning. I may get bored enough to post again this afternoon.