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Janice's Journal
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2005-04-27 10:43:14
Kangaroos and Aeroplanes
About 2 weeks ago, 2 dogs harassed the roos, when no-one was home. The neighbours’ son contacted my friend, Mel, and she rang me, so I whizzed up there. The lad had chased the dogs off. The roos were quite stressed. Roos can die from such stress. Rooby had injured her foot and needed a visit to the vet and has had to have treatment at home every day since. Jackeroo swelled up the next day and Mel gave him an antibiotic injection, in case he had an infection. My roo, Paney, was okay and is gradually settling down again. The dogs have been identified as those of a neighboring farm, but there is another farm between them and Mel’s, so they are wandering considerably. Apparently other neighbors have been sick of them already. The owners can’t keep them in, so they are going to get them re-housed.

We have just had the Anzac Day long w/end. My pilot friend flew me to Swan Hill, in Victoria, for the Antique Aircraft National Fly-In. Last year an artist/pilot from there invited me to stay at her home, if I came for the event. I had a great time. About 200 aircraft flew in for the event. I had a number of friends there to hang out with. Of course I also met and made new acquaintances. Jenny, the lady I stayed with, had asked me to bring some art over to display. I didn’t sell any, but had made up little business cards and a number of them were taken. One person found out that he was staying at the same place with the artist (me) and has commissioned me to do a painting of his aeroplane.  One of my friends also wants me to do the same. So it was a successful venture.  That friend took me and another friend flying over Lake Boga, which was a WWII Catalina (boat-plane) base. Another friend also organized it so that I got a flight in a Russian Yak 18 and that was fun, too.

Mood - Relaxed
Music - None
Edited - Never

I am so jealous.  I'd love a chance to go up in some of those older planes.  The best one I managed was a 2 seater cropduster on an airstrip with a 45 degree slope.  That's a little hair raising....
Posted by:zaphod


date: 28/04/2005 08:46 GMT
Lake Boga near Swan Hill Vic Aus. was home to the "Top Secret" No.1 Flying Boat Repair Depot during WWII, and is now home to the Flying Boat Museum, with A24 - 30 Catalina
Flying Boat on mounted display outside.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 06/05/2005 22:54 GMT
D-Day is right. Lake Boga was a repair depot. Part of the w/end activities included a visit to the Catalina and the museum. We saw the exhibits inside the old bunker, watched an interesting documentary and had a nice BBQ next door. It was night, so I took a couple of time exposures of the Catalina. It was a good visit.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 07/05/2005 22:35 GMT
Janice, having seen the doco, do you recall the reasons Lake Boga was chosen? What was the bunker used for? Do you also know just how far "The Black Cats" used to range on missions through S/W Pacific. I know because I have a mate who flew in the Cats during WWII as a airframe rigger/air gunner, plenty of good stories for interested persons.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 12/05/2005 21:28 GMT sounds fabulous! I wish I could have a chat to your mate! I took photos of Lake Boga from the air...just in case I one day decide to do a Catalina painting. I'm sorry, but I can't recall those details from the doco. It was about 20 mins plenty of info. Plus I had been at an airshow all day and hadn't had a decent night's sleep beforehand! (Excuses, excuses!) They did say what the bunker was...(looking up the brochure): it was a communications bunker! And, apparently, Lake Boga was an "ideal stretch of water on which the mighty flying boats could alight"!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 12/05/2005 23:33 GMT
Firstly, I am sure Bill would love to have a chat with you, he is a bit of a scallywag, though his health is beginning to slip due to smoking during and after the war, and he is one of the youngsters.
Following the Japanese raid on Broome after the evacuation of Java [Indonesia], which saw most of the Flying Boats in Australasia destroyed, Lake Boga was chosen because it was beyond Jap carrier aircraft range inland, it had permanent water, a sandy snag free bottom, and being @ 2miles x 3 miles was flyable from all points of the compass in all winds. Weing near Swan Hill it was also well placed for logistical and engineering support from Melbourne via the rail line to Mildura. The Communications Bunker were the museum is now housed was strongly built [bomb proofed], so strong in fact that the contractor putting in the airconditioning took 3 days to jack-hammer an opening for his air shaft through the top of the bunker. As for the furthest missions flown by "The Black Cats", they used to take off from Northern Australia, fly up into the islands, load on fuel and sea mines from an RAAF lighter [small ship] and then fly upto the southern coast of China, drop the sea mines and hopefully return home. Mission Time @ 27 hours, which still staggers Bommer Command Veterans who thought 9 hours was a long mission.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 13/05/2005 00:16 GMT
I forgot to mention the film "Midway" with Henry Fonda has some kicking footage of a Cat taking off and I think also landing. Well worth hiring just for those scenes alone. Don't leave doing the painting for too long as I reckon the highest praise would come from the boys in "The Catalina Club" so get it done before they all dissappear for good. Here's an idea, do a painting of A24-30 on display at the museum, with a ghostly "Black Cat" lifting off overhead, representing the boys who didn't return and those who have since departed.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 13/05/2005 21:57 GMT
That is an inspiring image you've suggested there...maybe I'll give it a go...
I've friends who've had a ride in a Catalina over at Wanaka and take great delight in telling me. I think they'd enjoy watching Midway with me. (Same guys who watched The Final Countdown with me.)
I'm off to another fly-in this weekend, so I'll be away from cyberspace for a couple of days. I'll write about it next week!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 13/05/2005 23:54 GMT
I heard about the fatal light plane crash near Adelaide on Sunday 15, please be OK. Make Journal entry ASAP. D-Day.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 16/05/2005 08:23 GMT
Thank you D-Day. It was a friend of mine in the aircraft and I'd only flown with him in it a little while back. It has been a shock.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 17/05/2005 09:00 GMT
Phew, you will understand when I say that I am very much relieved, but please accept my condolences for your friend. Do you realize that this is now the second time "Brother Grim"  has taken a swipe in your direction. [Refer to Close Shave entry]. D-Day.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 17/05/2005 23:19 GMT
Thank you for your concern...I have been touched. I witnessed the crash and have had to make a statement on it, which took a long time last night. I will write a journal entry about it, I guess, eventually. It has been a disturbing event to deal with. I have spent much time with friends who were there, as we understand how we feel about it, and I have not had much time to spare, till this evening. I enjoy your communication: Keep in touch.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 19/05/2005 00:26 GMT
Wow, that swipe was closer than I realized. I literally had kittens when I saw the headline on ninemsn, then I thought I was just being a bit windy, now I dont know what to think. Anyway it is good that you are able to talk it over with friends, and I know from experience that making a statement is no fun either, but I will sujest that you make brief notes on your recollections and then ammend your statement as necessary. Glad your still a Goodie. D-Day.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 19/05/2005 22:16 GMT
D-Day, your comment: "I literally had kittens when I saw the headline on ninemsn, then I thought I was just being a bit windy, now I dont know what to think." Is that in reference to the fact that you wondered if it involved me?

My mum wants me never to do aerobatics again. I've only done it once in about the last 6 years, but it was fairly recently. I don't know how I feel about it. She knows that she can't ask me not to, but was nearly in tears as she said it. I didn't give a definite answer, but I'm not sure how brave I'm going to be anymore, anyway. At least she hasn't asked me not to fly anymore. (I'm not a pilot, by the way...I just get rides with other people.)
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 20/05/2005 18:15 GMT
Yes it was in reference to you, because if you examine the prior comments you will see that you mentioned that you were going flying last weekend, and I know you're from Adelaide, so the potential link was there, which made for a rather nerve racking 24hr or so. I take it from your other comments and my suspicions, that your friend was doing areo work. Y/N? It could also have been engine faliure, or a stall on landing approach. Im just trying to figure out how you witnessed the accident. Still you will tell me when you are ready. D-Day ps did you like the reasoning behind my web name?
Posted by:D-Day


date: 21/05/2005 02:36 GMT
On a lighter note here is a ditty, work out where it is from;

The end of the Civil War was near, when quite accidentally, a Hero who sneezed, abruptly seized, Retreat, and turned it to Victory. Ta Ra Ta Ra. While pinning his medal on, which pleased his proud little family so , some blood was spilt, and so it was planned that he command ? ??. Where Indian fights are colourful sights, where Red Skin and Pale Face both turn chicken! Ta Ra Ta Ra.

Small Clue 60's Tv Program,
Posted by:D-Day


date: 21/05/2005 20:29 GMT
In relation to "the Kittens": I know I'd told you I was going flying...I just was confirming that you meant you had concerns about me in regard to it. (Which is rather nice, coming from someone who doesn't know me!):)

I Know that jingle all too well...but i think you have it a little wrong, as per MY memory!

The end of the civil war was near, when quite accidentally, our hero who sneezed, about retrieved and reversed it to victory! ( I don't remember the next verse.)

Where Indian fights are colourful sights and nobody takes a lickin'. Where paleface and redskin both are chicken.

When drillin' and  "??" must be done, they know their morale can sloop; as long as they all relax in town, before they resume with a bang and a boom....F-Troop!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 22/05/2005 14:36 GMT don't appear to have a journal and I don't know where the info is re your web name. Tell me where to find it. By the way...if you download ICQ, we could communicate better!

Consider it. I downloaded it, so I could communicate better with zaphod. It would be better than using my journal!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 22/05/2005 14:46 GMT
Please disregard the "communication" stuff in the last comment, as my message thing now seems to work and I received both of your messages last night!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 24/05/2005 00:13 GMT
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