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zaphod's Journal
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2005-04-17 10:08:32
Sunday Smegging Sunday
Well, it's around 9:30 on Sunday morning, I'm awake (sort of) and killing a few minutes before I have to hang out the laundry since it's such a nice day outside.  Mind oyu, I'd rather still be sleeping, but I'm one of those people who, once I've woken up, can't get back to sleep. 

Went to SFSA meeting last night.  Wasn't bad.  We awatched the mini-series "Peacekeeper War", the follow-up/final of Farscape.  It was highly watchable, if a little cliched.  Lots and lots of references to other movies/TV shows.  The 2001 reference was really obvious.

Today looks like an interesting day.  trying to set up an older computer to give to a local child-care center who have ben shafted as far as government funding is concerned.  I'll probably be trying to get them noticed by IT-share as well, and see if they can help out.

Isn't it amazing how large corporate-style organisations can get all the government funding they like, and the smaller groups get nothing but a few hand-me-downs from the locals.  Whatever happened to supporting your locals?  I'm just waiting until they start sticking bar codes to the kid's foreheads and regimenting their every move.      I can just imagine it now

  • 8:30am - all kids arrived and dropped off by parents.
  • 8:45am - all kids re-clothed in prison garb.
  • 9:00am - storytime with Mr Hitler.
  • 9:30am - unarmed combat.
  • 10:30am - weapon familiarisation.
  • 12:00pm - lunch, all kids issued with MRE packs.

Need I continue?  Sound familiar? Doesn't this remind people of  "Way Outward Bound"?

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I'd rather see my kids (I don't have any yet) looked after by someone local who cares more about the kids, than about their profit margins.

Mood - waking up
Music - none
Edited - Never

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