Hey! Tis 2nd nov today and it is fricken cold!"!! and some idiot thinks its funny to leave the common room door open, the t**t. lol i do apoligise!! Anyways i have benn up to , well a=level work basically. this weekend i am shoppin for my friends birthday present and sunday i am paintballing, (Bruise alert). By the way if u read the last journal u would have heard about the party, well ladies and gentlemen i have got my hands on a photo. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=117855960&imageID=1373551201 so if u check that out that is some of us who were left after the others went for alcohol . well i am off now see you all soon! hol xxxxxxxxxxxxx ( lookin forward to the linda smith gala show)
Mood - happy but cold!!!
Music - Mp3 at the mo=Resurex.