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zaphod's Journal
Back to zaphod's Journal
2006-10-13 13:13:55
Friday the 13th
What a day.  It started casually enough with me getting woken up around 6ish by my Fiance to go have a shower, breakfast, get dressed, not necessarily in that order.  All was going as per usual when I gel halfway down the first street leading away from my flat to my office and I get a flat tyre.  No biggie, I'll just walk it home and fix it before continuing on my merry way to work. 

What a simplistic view that was.

An hour and a half later, I manage to get to work.  Late but not in trouble for it since I'm usually very early and bec asue I called in saying what happened.

What was really annoying was that I put 3 patches on the innertube of my bike, and each time it went flat again as I was putting it on the bike and pumping it up to full pressure.  Very time consuming.  Luckily I managed to dig up a spare tube (yes I got fed up with that one), fitted it and managed to get to work, only half an hour late.  Normally I would be an hour and a half early.

Next, I get to work, read through the mountain of email backing up my system and get stuck in to do some work.  I should be thankful that nearly everything was working the way it should today.  No power surges.  No power failures.  No broken equipment.  No headless corpses. No grim reaper leaning on my desk saysing "I've been waiting for you".  All in all, not too bad really.  Although the day isn't over yet.  I'm putting this down on my journal for the simple reason, I want to make sure it gets up there before the universe folds in on itself.

Actually, it isn't such a bad day out there, unlike the past 2 days it's quite a pleasant temperature.

Maybe I'll feel more motivated to put something else up here later.

Mood - blowing off steam
Music - Corey Hart - Sunglasses at night
Edited - Never

Hey Zaphod jsut a quick question - where did your goodies handle come from ?  I was wondering cos on the World Around Us they are showing a nature series called 'Meerkat Manor' about ...well Meerkats and one of the animals has been nicknamed Zaphod !!  How cute is that and I immediately thought of you ...not that you remind me of a meerkat or anything ..... I'll go now
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 23/10/2006 18:45 GMT
Zaphod is a name I've been using for many years online, and it comes from a characted in 'The Hitch Hikers Guid to the Galaxy' called Zaphod Beeblebrox, who happens to be pretty damn nify, even if in his own mind

Click here for more details

As for the Meerkat called Zaphod, if you click [url=]Here[/url} you can see that the Meerkat is named after the character.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 26/10/2006 19:50 GMT
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