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zaphod's Journal
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2006-09-30 17:58:35
News Aplenty
It's Saturday evening, and I'm sitting down in front of my computer to throw another entry at my journal.

This particular one has a little bit of good news in it as well.

No I haven't completed Evil Genius (although I am getting close), but as of yesterday I finished my probation period at my new job and I'm happy to say, I'm now a permanent member of staff (yay!!!).

Not only do I now have a regular income, it's more than I was getting working for myself and has a lot more potential for advancement.

Also, I heard from an old (she isn't old, that's just a saying) friend today, and yes, it's our very own Janice, who it's always a pleasure to hear from

Hada small amount of excitment this afternoon after I went into the city, as no sooner did we get there, than I had a call from the alarm monitoring company saying we'd had an alarm go off in the flat.  So it's back home via taxi, only to find that the place is completely intact and nothing was disturbed, except maybe my computer putting out a little more heat than is really necessary.  Might have to dial back the sensitivity on the heat sensors.

Other than that, I've had a reasonably quiet day.  Went back to the city, did some mooching around in Rundle Mall.  Had a really good laugh at all the Paris Hilton wannabes, sipped a rather nice mocha (Gloria Jeans) and munched on a piece of Lemon Cheesecake.

Now that I'm home, I'm about to start organising dinner, probably the leftover pizza from last night, with a garlic bread and maybe some beans on toast.  Yes, I'm feeling rather lazy, and besides what's wrong with leftover pizza?

Anyhow, after digressing a little, back to the whole point of this journal entry which is to say Yes, I finally have a real job.

Mindyou, this also means that I realistically have a little more time on my hands (from not having to work late hours and weekends just to start making ends meet) to actually do some improvements on the site.  Including the dreaded Forum Lockout problem which unfortunately is onyl happening becasue of the overwhelming number of people posting on the forums.

This is not a bad thing, but it does show haw short sighted I was was when I installed the forum part of the site.

More to come soon

Mood - quite happy
Music - Weird Al - Straight Outta Lynwood
Edited - Never

Hi Zaphod,
congratulations! I’m glad the job scene is going well for you these days. Thank you for your kind comments. If you and the SFSA weren’t good company, I wouldn’t contact you! I do hope to catch up with you guys soon.
By the way, I LOVE pizza leftovers…had some last weekend!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 30/09/2006 19:32 GMT
Yay!  Go Zaphod!  Congrats on the job, mate.

I guess 'too many' people hitting the site is a nice problem to have... much better than the alternative!
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 01/10/2006 03:13 GMT
Congratulations on your new job. I like your comments about Paris Hilton wannabes.
Posted by:Puddin

Puddin WWW 

date: 01/10/2006 12:54 GMT
We apologize, but you need to login to post comments. If you don't have an account, why don't you register? It's free!
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