Yup, I'm completelystuffed, to the point where it probably isn't worth my time ot go to bed. I've been sitting in front of my computer, frantically trying to get soemthing working (which I must admit that I broke) and now that it's working, and it's 2am, I'm contemplating just getting on with some other stuff before I have to get u pin 4 hours to go to work.
I thought I'd put these late nights behind me when I started my new job, bu alas, t'werent meant to be..
Mood - tired
Music - dodgy 80s music in the background
Urk... and if you *do* hit the sack, when the alarm goes off you feel like you've been asleep for about ten seconds, and you feel worse than if you hadn't slept at all.
If the going gets rough, try two berocca in a glass of OJ - not only does it perk you up, but it's a really pretty colour... And your workmates will think you must live a truly magnificent private life to need sustenance like that to get through the working day!