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zaphod's Journal
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2006-07-16 21:27:28
Sick Man Blues!!!
Yup, I'm out of it for a few days.  Feeling pretty crap overall, and wishing I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.

Actually, I'm feeling a little better than I was yesterday and Friday, but I'm hoping that there's a flash flood or some other reason that I can stay home instead of going to work.  Don't get me wrong, I am actually enjoying my new job, but I'm still recovering from overworking myself to death in my last job.  At least I didn't have to work 18 hour days this weekend, in fact, I didnt' do any work at all this weekend, although I did go out last night (Dr. Who Fan Club Meeting) and had dinner with a few mates, but overall, I stayed at home and did absolutely nothing.

Actually, I didn't do absolutely nothing, I did managed to get a few games of "Command & Conquer" in while relaxing.  To me that is a great way to relax, especially since I'm such a big fan of the whole series of games, and the fact that my Fiance managed to get all of them on one DVD was fantastic.  Even better was that she got it for %20 off retail as well.

Another thing is, now that I actually have a regular income (albeit not a very large one) the timing couldn't be better for having my main computer die a horrible and gruesome death at the hands of a failed mainboard.  Admittedly, another couple of weeks later would have been better as I now have to scrimp and save to cover bills as well as buy new mainboard, CPU, RAM, etc to build another computer.

I suppose, I should really be getting some sleep, need my strength for tomorrow, especially if the weather is as nasty as it has been most of the weekend (cold, wet and windy) because I only have my pushbike to get around, and it tends to leak a bit

Mood - kinda sick
Music - Run DMC - Walk this way
Edited - Never

Get well soon, me old china.  Nowt worse that being sick when you don't have the luxury of lying in a heap getting fussed over (we can dream...)
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 17/07/2006 09:10 GMT
I hope you feel better soon Zaphod 
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 20/07/2006 13:06 GMT
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