So, I visited the country, then I went to see the band. Yes, in June, I went to the Split Enz concert! It was great. I never actually saw them back in their hey-day, but a friend of mine did and I’ve been a little jealous that she got to see them. Well, now I have too. It was strange to see them with greying temples, grey hair, or even quite white hair, but their youthful energy and enthusiasm was evident. It was fun to watch Time Finn strut his stuff and jig about the stage. They wore amazing suits and had three different backdrops, that seemed to glow different colours with different lighting. For two hours, they played almost all the songs of theirs that I know, plus some others. They certainly played my most favourite ones. It was so great to see them actually perform those loved songs of my teenage years…Message To My Girl, One Step Ahead, Six Months in a Leaky Boat…and more…! It was a memorable night out.
Mood - Happy
Music - None, but imagining Split Enz!
Oh, Janice - you lucky thing!!! I am also a Split Enz fan. I loved Message To My Girl - it is still one of my all time favourites - I mean on the planet. I had a huge crush on Neil Finn, but then when I got older I switched to Tim instead. How fickle .