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zaphod's Journal
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2006-06-12 21:40:21
Temperature related
Ever heard the expression "It's cold enough to freeze the walls off a grass humpy"?  Well thats' what it's been like the past week here.  Almost like winter decided to show up early and hang around a bit. 

Actually, it's nice and warm in my flat at the moment, but that's only because we did laundry today and it needed to be dried (tumble dryer) which warmed the place up nicely.  Saves putting on the heater.

We also scored an electric blanket, courtesy of my Fiance's mother (it was supposed to be faulty my fiance just plugged it in properly and it worked fine).  That's going to make this winter just a little more bearable.  Speaking of bears, I muct be part one, becasue all I want to do in winter (or any cold weather for that matter) is sleep.  I'm happy to go to sleep at night and wake up in three months feeling a little hungry, and deperate for a potty break.

Surely this attitude towards cold isn't just me.

Mood - no mood - just cold
Music - You're pitiful - Weird Al Yankovic
Edited - Never

I love the cold weather and being all snuggly warm under the blankets - I also love rainy days - but I think that is because we don't really have a winter (in QLD) and have had very little rain over the past few years.  We always seem to want the things we can't have. I would love to live somewhere where it rains and the landscape is green
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 12/06/2006 21:44 GMT
brrrr.....where's my scarf...
Posted by:daftbird


date: 13/06/2006 10:45 GMT
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