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zaphod's Journal
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2006-05-26 13:37:17
Keeping up with the others
I've just finished reading jodievdw's journal about previous work experience, and thought I'd throw a little more info about my background here as well.

Not very original I know, but what the heck, I'm bored, it's Friday afternoon, I'm totally unmotivated to do any kind of actual work and I haven't done an entry for a while.

Now, where to begin....

My very first job was collecting empty beer cans around the township of Alice Springs at the tender age of 9 (or thereabouts).  This worked ok for a couple of years, but then my parents decided to move back to South Australia, where I didn't have much in the way of marketable skills, until we moved again (about 10 minutes further away from the last place) and ended up helping out on a farm.  Plenty to do, mainly involving sheep (and before oyu ask, I'm in Australia, not New Zealand ).  Most of the jobs involving sheep are not exactly pleasant for me, or the sheep involved, thinge like Mulesing (trimming a layer of skin off the back legs to prevent flystrike), tailing (cutting off the tail for the same reason), shearing (pretty obvious), drenching (like giving a cat a pille, only harder), and so forth.  Hard work but the pay isn't bad when you get it.

That worked ok, until after I left High School for the first time.  I've worked for a lazer skirmish place (Zone 3 in Whyalla), Fujitsu Bell-Atlantic, The Attourney General's Dept. (Crime Prevention Unit), an Antenna Installer in Narracorte, and various IT related jobs before becoming self-employed in the field of web-design and network support.  There's a few other things in there that I haven't bothered to mention since they were very short term (a couple of days here and there).

I've bored myself again, time to stop.  Maybe I'll elaborate on some of this stuff in another entry.

Mood - Bored
Music - Skyhooks - Jukebox in Siberia
Edited - Never

Love the music selection   I to have had many jobs and strangely enough none of them were as good as your cleaning up the sheeps bum job !! 
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 26/05/2006 17:14 GMT
Glad to hear that you're not a kiwi in this case . Empty beer cans-excellent-that's so funny-well at least you know there's something to go back to if the bottom drops out of  web-design .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 31/05/2006 18:47 GMT
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