I've still got to send the C&G my Still Alive reminiscinces. They seem to be about three very long (virtual) postings at the moment - I'm not sure that will be particularly appreciated.
Seeing the Goodies on UKTV each evening is a good way to wind down the day - I hope the channel is going to keep showing them next month!
Nya. Work demands attention. I'll avoid more work tomorrow evening by actually posting the observations threatened above.
I guess I should explain the name, although Goodies nuts should know it instantly.
I'm not trying to steal zaphod's nom-de-web. I am stealing that great line from Wacky Wales, spoken by the Great Jon Pertwee, playing the Great Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn Llewellyn:
"Eisteddfod comes from two old Welsh words: 'Eistedd' meaning 'bored' and 'fod' meaning 'stiff'"
So I guess I'm calling myself "stiff". Hmmm.
I have since discovered that it actually means "to be" in Welsh. That's a bit more metaphysical, so maybe I'll plump for that interpretation.
Why that choice? Well, I have a Welsh surname, of course.