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2006-09-04 20:59:51 |
PunHeaven The GROKer |
PunHeaven |
I think I came to The Goodies the wrong way around. Unlike most Australians, it was the discovery of ISIRTA last year while I was in France that led me to The Goodies and, I must confess, it was the fact that John Cleese was in it that made me curious about ISIRTA. The first episode I heard was one of the few that Cleese wasn’t in (The 3:17 to Cleethorpes episode), which was jolly confusing at the time.
The route to ISIRTA is a little convoluted but it makes a vaguely interesting story. I had quite a lot of episodes of Red Dwarf on my computer (which I have since go rid of, as I started buying the dvds) and always found Chris Barrie’s impressions of Kenneth Williams in the outtakes very funny in themselves even though I had only the vaguest idea of who KW was and what he sounded like. So I went looking for some kind of recording of him, which led me to BBC7 and the wonders contained therein. Round The Horne and Beyond Our Ken were my first ports of call and, being without a tv, I just started listening to a lot of the other stuff on there to keep myself entertained – mainly the comedy and mysteries.
ISIRTA, ISIHAC and Hello Cheeky were the main other comedies I listened to and from there I discovered The Goodies and was massively intrigued mainly because I didn’t remember them from the ABC repeats. The reason this intrigued me so much was the fact that I have a distinct memory of watching Doctor Who, which was on straight after, but no memory whatsoever of The Goodies. I really wanted to know what I was missing, so I set my evil downloading fingers to work to find myself some episodes. Kitten Kong seemed to be the most mentioned one in the things that I read, so I went for that one first and was hooked straight away. I joined GROK but never really posted or anything until I got back here to Australia. I was a little preoccupied after I joined with other things and The Goodies disappeared from my consciousness for a bit but returned later on. The reason The Goodies had sort of slipped to the back of my mind was that before I left France my computer crashed and I lost everything on it, including the 30 or so Goodies episodes I had collected, all my uni work and photos from my travels. So from then until I got home, I was very preoccupied with rewriting all my uni assignments from scratch and after I got back, sorting out all the admin associated with returning from exchange.
When all that was sorted and I had settled into a new flat I discovered that one of my new flatmates had the first dvd, which sort of reminded me of how funny The Goodies was and I remembered that I was already a member here and have been here ever since.
Mood - Hungry
Music - Hmmm... Must put some music on...
Edited - Never |
2006-06-08 13:48:55 |
Happy birthday to ME!!! |
PunHeaven |
I am now the possessor of a fine Goodies Tasty Box! 'Twas a present from my parents. Also, the Blackadder box set from my older brother. So I've got over 20 hours of stuff to watch and I have to write essays - how depressing... Still, the anticipation is enough to keep my spirits up!
Mood - Chirpy
Music - Dropkick Murphys - Amazing Grace
Edited - Never |
2006-05-07 13:22:09 |
PunHeaven |
Since people are looking at this journal I thought it would be worthwhile for me to actually write something in it.
Today I attempt to start the two essays I have to do for my thesis classes. I've just decided to defer my honours thesis in politics so these classes are my last uni work for the better part of a year. Unfortunately I just can't get motivated to write the essays because I'm looking forward to having lots and lots of free time when I'm done. You'd think that would be motivation enough, but very little can overcome my inherent laziness. Hmmm... Must try and get to work.
Mood - At a loose end
Music - Ben Folds - Bastard
Edited - Never |
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