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Posts: 2433



 Subject:  Re: Billykins
19/02/2006 15:20 GMT

You're spot on. Don't know if he still does, but playing drumes was his thang.


Posts: 348



 Subject:  Re: Billykins
19/02/2006 12:36 GMT

I think I explained myself pretty badly.  I knew Bill was one of those multi-instrumentalist types, but what I meant was - and I type this with full realisation that it may send Bill fans into a quivering hormonal heap - "Are the drums his Instrument Of Choice, if you will"

I mean, the signs are all there - he's short, furry and cuddly (a bit like an Ewok), displays his destructive side with a great deal of gusto... so it IS a very strong possibility...

GRAEME:  Will you be coming back tomorrow?
SPEV:  We might think about it...!
GRAEME:  See you tomorrow then!

I'm a Very Tasty Girl - Tim said so!!

Posts: 390



 Subject:  Re: Billykins
19/02/2006 03:46 GMT

Billykins is very talented musically.


Tim (as court jester, with backing from Bill): "Once a knight, always a knight.  Twice a night and you're doing all right!!"

Posts: 2433



 Subject:  Re: Billykins
18/02/2006 15:55 GMT

Bill is a multi instrumentalist, rockstar, collector of Mickey mouse stuff and a cuddly little birdwatcher


Posts: 348



 Subject:  Billykins
18/02/2006 15:42 GMT

Hey how's it going?

There I was, watching the South Africa episode.  In between wondering whether or not to laugh, wondering if it was wrong that I agreed with apart height (short people SHOULD do more work, they're closer to the ground than us tallarses!!) - I was suddenly shocked into what can only be described as temporary lust by Bill playing one hell of a drum solo!

I'm a drummer groupie by trade, y'see, and I know a fair few things about drums, drummers and drumming - and try as I did to ignore the fact Bill was shaped suspiciously like a drummer, this solo I could not ignore.

So, I wondered.  Is Bill a drummer in a sort of Peter Sellers type fashion?

Over to you.  If you're still awake.

GRAEME:  Will you be coming back tomorrow?
SPEV:  We might think about it...!
GRAEME:  See you tomorrow then!

I'm a Very Tasty Girl - Tim said so!!

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