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Posts: 2433



 Subject:  Re: The Goodies Complete Series in 18 volumes
15/04/2010 18:43 GMT

I wouldn't mind seeing that.


Posts: 158



 Subject:  Re: The Goodies Complete Series in 18 volumes
15/04/2010 13:23 GMT

i have noticed the poor quality copy of caught in the act you have. i have 2 nice clean black and white versions without the black bars. they are from the same source as wot is seen in comedy connections when they showed a bit from it


Posts: 62



 Subject:  The Goodies Complete BBC Series in 18 volumes
11/04/2010 06:39 GMT

Hi all,

Over a long drawn out period (around 7 years!) I have been slowly capturing, encoding and authoring episodes of The Goodies on DVD. This has taken forever in my spare time over weekends and holidays to make the 68 episodes from the BBC series suitable for DVD!

Everything is included from seasons 1 through 8 - the BBC run of the series - and the episodes themselves are of excellent quality generally. Many were captured from Foxtel Digital directly without the need for re-encode, the others mainly recorded from my own VHS tapes that I recorded from Foxtel back in 1999/2000. Luckily I had the foresight to use High Grade TDK tapes and the quality is really excellent throughout.

Also included are the Comedy Connections special, the Return of the Goodies show and a few small tidbits along the way.

Please note that Series 9 that was broadcast on LWT is NOT included. You can buy that series in its entirety in the UK and in Australia.

A handful of the episodes are not quite up to the quality of the rest, particularly Caught in the Act which only exists in very low quality black and white, and Hospital for Hire has the first three minutes in lower quality than the rest of it (as my tape missed the beginning and I had to splice in another copy's start!). Episodes missing are of course the original Kitten Kong (only the Montreau version exists) and A Collection of Goodies (which although mentioned on these forums as existing still hasn't surfaced in its entirety) but on the whole I am very pleased with the collection.

Here are some screen shots of the DVD cover artwork, disc artwork and sample screenshots from the episodes. Click the thumbs for larger versions.

If anyone is interested in knowing more, please email me (not PM, as I don't get to check it very often!) at:  sutekh AT nondivine DOT com. I am in Sydney, Australia.

Thanks all! It's been great fun and a learning experience in the art of encoding and authoring MPEG2 files and I send greetings to RossH, Kipperman and ade42 for advice and assistance along the way.

UPDATE 07/10/2011: Volume 1 of the collection now includes the NEW copy of Caught in the Act that was aired on the Comedy Channel recently! It is as clear as any of the other black and white episodes that still remain but it was missing the two advertisements between parts. These were spliced in from Ade's remastered copy of the old copy of the episode that had the timecode on it. A massive upgrade!

Last modified: 10/01/2012 03:16 GMT by AzagTh0tH

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