Subject: Re: nothing to do with us 27/01/2011 14:21 GMT
I can sort it for you in the next couple of days
Posts: 1
Subject: Re: nothing to do with us 23/01/2011 22:39 GMT
I have a friend that has been searching for this album. Does anyone have it online anywhere?
Posts: 2433
Subject: Re: nothing to do with us 30/11/2010 15:05 GMT
What do you want? If I've got it, it's yours.
Nutters Knoll Druid
Posts: 4
Subject: Re: nothing to do with us 28/11/2010 13:00 GMT
you can buy a proper turntable that you can plug into your pc to encode the LP to digital. you can then use a range of free tools available on the internet to remove all the crackles, hisses etc from the track. Good Luck, and BTW I would love a copy when you are done
Posts: 2433
Subject: Re: nothing to do with us 10/11/2010 12:31 GMT
Wotcha! If you've got a record player with a jack out , then you should be able to connect a cable from that to your in jack on your computer. There are various free recording type progs you can download and then slice files into bite size chunks and bung on a cd. Try media audio capture 5.
Posts: 6
Subject: nothing to do with us 10/11/2010 00:39 GMT
hi there
i have the goodies lp nothing to do with us but i would like it on tape or is there a way i can transfer it onto cd?...can anybody help me? it feels like i am sometimes