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Articles and letters written by Graeme
Letter to the Independent - Print Email PDF 
Posted by wackywales 02/01/2008


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» Bell's Palsy

THE INDEPENDENT, November 8, 2000, Wednesday

Letter: Classical TV



Hats off to Jane Root and her innovative plans for BBC 2 (Media, 7 November). More programmes about food, gardening, art, classical music, religion, business, and the countryside. What vision! And how wise of her to donate her comedy jewels to BBC 1. No wonder she has never been happier.

No doubt she recalls that today (8 November) marks the 30th anniversary of the first broadcast on BBC 2 of The Goodies, a comedy series which tackled subjects such as food, gardening, art, classical music, religion, business and the countryside, not to mention the History of Britain, etc etc.


Enstone, Oxfordshire

This is a great report, I had bell palsey when I was two and its stayed with me my whole life, kids can be cruel. I had an operation to fix it when I was 17 and now I have a good smile it's not perfect but then noone is! It's really great to read something postive because it's still quite rare. Anyway enough serious stuff. off to watch radio goodies!
Posted by:Merry490


date: 17/01/2008 10:44 GMT
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