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Tim's second appearance in "HeatBeat" to air 27 November (in the UK)
16/11/2005 07:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

Tim's second appearance in "HeartBeat" is scheduled to air Sunday, 27 November on ITV1 at 20:00 to 21:00.  This is supposed to be a larger part than his first appearance in the show.

For other upcoming UK shows with a Goody use the "click here for more" link.

* The new series of "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" is now airing Mondays on BBC Radio 4 at 18:30; each episode will be repeated the following Sunday.
They'll also be available on Radio 4's Listen Again service for a week after the initial Monday broadcast.  The shows can be heard worldwide via the internet at

* The final episode of "The Bits in Between" with Graeme aired this Tuesday
(15 Nov) on BBC Radio 4.  It'll be available on Radio 4's Listen Again service (at through mid-day Tuesday, 22 Nov.

* "Comedy Playhouse", presented by Tim Brooke-Taylor, is a two-part look back at the old BBC series.  Part 1 is now available on Radio 4's Listen Again service until Part 2 airs next week, on 22 Nov at 11:30.  It can be heard worldwide via the internet at

* "There'll Never Be Another", a radio show about celebrated British comedians hosted by Graeme, is being repeated on BBC 7 on Sundays from 11:00-12:00.  Each episode is repeated later in the day and is then available for six days via BBC7's Listen Again service.  The show can be heard worldwide via the internet at

* "Wild Owl Farm" hosted by Bill is being repeated on BBC 2 on Weds, 30 November from 21:50-22:00.
* BBC 7 airs old episodes of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" (with Tim and
Graeme) and "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" (with all three Goodies) on Mondays; they are available via Listen Again for six days after broadcast.
The shows can be heard worldwide via the internet from 

* "Bill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife" is being repeated by BBC 2 on Tuesdays at 19:00.  I also see it listed in the early morning on Mondays on BBC 1.  Please check your local listings.

* Repeats of "Golf Clubs with Tim Brooke-Taylor" continue to be shown on Thursdays on Discovery Travel and Living at various times (consult your local listings).

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