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The Goodies

The passing of a legend
12/04/2020 14:00 GMT

Posted by zaphod

As you may have heard, Tim Brooke-Taylor has passed away earlier today after contracting the COVID19 virus.
He will be sadly missed.

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Shattered. My daughter and I still laugh our arses off over the DVDs. Will have to break the news to her in the morning - will  be difficult.
Posted by:olddave


date: 12/04/2020 15:24 GMT
Whilst the ages of Tim, Graeme and Bill has meant this could happen at any time (as all of us are mortals) it is sad news indeed to wake up to find out that this dreaded disease has claimed Tim My commiserations to his family and friends in this difficult time.
Posted by:New_Roosterman


date: 12/04/2020 22:55 GMT
I feel like a little piece of my own childhood has passed away with this news today, I used to reenact The Goodies in the school payground with my great mates Mark and David, and I always played Tim. His legacy of laughter will never be lost to us though, thanks for everything TBT
Posted by:ShinyShoes71


date: 13/04/2020 00:55 GMT
So sad, condolences to his family and friends. Thanks for the memories, laughs and fun.
Posted by:lizzie_p


date: 13/04/2020 01:44 GMT
I am trying to work out what episode I will watch in memory of Tim.  I am scared that it will be my first time ever crying as I watch The Goodies
Posted by:weirdone


date: 13/04/2020 01:50 GMT
I am so sad... I had the privilege of meeting all three Goodies.
Rest in peace Tim... You will be truly missed.
Posted by:semmo


date: 13/04/2020 03:12 GMT
I tried to leave this diary entry but, alas, journal still not working, so will post it here .

As if this time-period needed to be any more odd, Tim has up and died on us. You are part of us, Tim, and we feel that part of us has died. And this is not funny at all, by the way. You have made a lot of people feel like saying they're a teapot. We love you xx.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 13/04/2020 04:08 GMT
Woke up to messages from my bother and mother of Tim's passing. My thoughts are with his family and friends at this time. Thank you Tim.
Posted by:mattbanks13


date: 13/04/2020 08:55 GMT
I am still finding it hard to grasp that Tim has gone. He has been part of my life since I was young - The Goodies, Hello Cheeky, I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again and of course I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, amongst others.
Reunited with Humph and Willie Rushton - RIP Tim. And thank you for all the laughter.
Posted by:GordonD


date: 13/04/2020 09:37 GMT
This news absolutely floored me - I have loved Tim since i was 10 and the Goodies were a staple of my childhood.  RIP Tim, thoughts and prayers to your family and friends, the world is not as bright without you in it. Thank-you <3
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 13/04/2020 10:17 GMT
Yesterday morning I read the announcement on one of those little banners under the news story on TV ...and I burst into tears. My friend had heard the night before, but didn't think telling me at midnight would be a good thing. She was right. We are so sad to have lost our Timbo. We met him here in Australia, and he was every bit as lovely as we could have hoped. I first saw The Goodies in the early 1980s. One of my childhood heroes is gone...but not forgotten.

My thoughts and prayers go to his wife (of over 50 years!), the other Goodies and all his family and friends.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 14/04/2020 06:30 GMT
Shocked and saddened to hear the news about Tim. I've been a Goodies fan since I was only four and met Tim (and Graeme and Bill) after various shows over the years. Thanks for all the laughs and rest in peace Tim.
Posted by:Bennythump


date: 17/04/2020 04:19 GMT
like everyone  else  on here I was very saddened to see Tim had died.....I have to admit even though I am 58 I burst into tears when I heard ..The Goodies were a large part of my life having grown up in the 70s watching them on the ABC and from then on I was hooked.... Thanks for the memories and  laughter Tim ,and my heart goes out to his family and friends  ..
Posted by:vanessa cricklewood


date: 17/04/2020 14:05 GMT
So touched and comforted by the tributes here, maybe we can club together in some way to send our collective condolences and maybe a card to Tim's family and fellow Goodies?
Posted by:ShinyShoes71


date: 19/04/2020 02:39 GMT
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