Message from The Goodies (sent from Leicester Square theatre box office) 12/05/2018 00:04 GMT
Posted by JG_PeckinPahs This e-mail has been sent out to all ticket holders for this event. (And really only applies if you are attending ‘An Audience with The Goodies’ at Leicester Square on June 7th. )
But it deserves putting here non the less... 

... and we want your questions.
We’re the Goodies, how d’you do. And we’ll be coming to Leicester Square (all right, we know that doesn’t rhyme, but who said it had to?)
As you know – well you should know, you’ve bought a ticket – we, The Goodies, will be appearing at Leicester Square Theatre on 7 June, 2018 (and a bit) at a special event entitled An Audience With The Goodies.
We’re providing the Goodies (naturally). And you’re providing the audience. As a member of that audience, we know you’re just burning to ask us a question. It could be anything at all... Is Bill a glove puppet? Where do Bush Babies come from? What’s our favourite brand of black pudding?*... actually, those are pretty rotten questions, and you’re sure to have some better ones to ask.
The whole event is being filmed, and to ensure it all runs smoothly, we need advance notice of your question. This will save you the bother of putting your hand in the air (you can put it anywhere you like, really, within reason). It also means that the people doing the filming can ensure everything runs like clockwork... just like their cameras.
You’re probably thinking this is just a ruse to allow us to mug up the answers in advance and appear ever so erudite and intellectual on the night. Well, you’d be right, apart from Graeme who already knows what you’re going to ask thanks to his computer. Imagine a silly version of Question Time, with us as the panel... no, we can’t imagine that either.
Just like the real Question Time, your face will probably be seen on camera when we prompt you to ask your question. So you’ll be almost as famous as we are.
Obviously, we can’t guarantee that everyone who sends in a question will be able to ask it on the night, but we’ll do our best. We are The Goodies, after all...
Right, over to you...
Give me an ooh... or rather, just send us your question, together with your name and seat number to:
Questions must be received by 25 May... so you've got until then to think up some really hard ones!
*Don’t ask this, as we already know the answer: Peckinpah’s Perfect Puddings (none blacker)
See you on the 7th!
Tim, Graeme & Bill