Take Part In The Goodies Audience Survey... 18/03/2016 00:52 GMT
Posted by JG_PeckinPahs To help show the BBC and other UKTV networks. That us fans and comedy lovers really want to watch The Goodies again on TV and DVD.
Please take part in The Goodies UK Audience Survey, that's been devised...
What I have done here is. I have produced a survey of seven simple questions for you answer. And when there are a significant number of responses, I will send this in to the BBC and UKTV GOLD or any television station that gets suggested.
This is more targeted at viewers in the UK. But if you are from abroad feel free to take part anyway. 
This survey will also ask about new Goodies DVD's.
As television networks are difficult about these things (particularly the BBC). We need to make sure we get as many TV viewers as possible to fill in this survey as it seems the only way to get our voices across!
So... Please take part in The Goodies UK Audience Survey. 'You know it makes sense.'
To read more head here http://goodiesukaudiencesurvey.blogspot.co.uk/
And to take part in the survey click below. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=t0owZaC46HsqaDsmF3qeWg%3d%3d |