The Goodies...And some Untold Kapers! exhibition in Bristol, UK 20/01/2012 13:20 GMT
Posted by lisa Passing along the information from Jenny_Gibbon about her Goodies-themed art exhibition in Bristol, England which opens next week. She told me that the private view should be open to everyone.
Here are the details:
The Goodies...And some Untold Kapers!- Private View
27th Jan 2012 11am-1pm
Free Entry!
This exhibit celebrates the 1970’s hit comedy show The Goodies. Featuring fan-art produced by Jenny Doyle. With tribute images from episodes and some new fan-fiction ideas. Come along, laugh and enjoy The Goodies in this new Art show!
At the CentreSpace Gallery, 6 Leonard Lane, Bristol BS1 1EA,details/