Tim interview for Overseas Living 17/11/2011 18:58 GMT
Posted by lisa Here's a nice interview with Tim in which he talks to Overseas Living magazine about his holiday villa and lifestyle in the Algarve (Portugal). This appears online at http://www.overseasliving.co.uk/travel/tim-brroke-taylor-talks-to-overseas-living
Tim Brooke-Taylor talks to Overseas Living

Actor and writer Tim Brooke-Taylor, best known as a member of The Goodies, talks to Overseas Living about his villa and lifestyle in the Algarve
How long have you been holidaying in the Algarve? Eric Morecambe recommended it to us in the mid-70s when we met up as families and we’ve been addicted to it ever since. I’ve owned a lovely four-bedroom villa here for 13 years, which we share with friends.
It overlooks the lovely, long beach half a mile away at Meia Praia, near the pretty town of Lagos. Nobody overlooks us and when you’re swimming in the pool you feel like you’re in a lovely, private garden.
I head here six or seven times a year, usually with my wife Christine, sometimes with friends and our two granddaughters and three grandsons.
What are your favourite things to do in the area?
First of all, we lap up the sun, then make for a beach bar for a leisurely lunch. Both Christine and I are keen, if not particularly good, golfers, so that is usually part of the stay. I love golf and the Algarve provides great courses and weather. I’ve played in the Jimmy Tarbuck Golf Classic at San Lorenzo many times over the last 20-odd years and for the past few years I’ve played in the Bobby Robson Classic at Vila Sol.
Which are your preferred courses for a round?
Golf World once asked me to name my favourite courses in the world and I put San Lorenzo at the top of my list. Nothing has changed there. Boa Vista, the new course just west of Lagos, is an absolute peach, winding its way through natural countryside and then revealing fabulous coastal views. Recently renovated, Palmares, just east of Lagos, is also fantastic. I do a TV programme in the UK called Golf Clubs with Tim Brooke-Taylor where I make the professionals look good. I’ve been trying to persuade the producers to take the programme to Portugal.
Do you speak the lingo and feel fully immersed as a local?
I’m afraid not. Christine’s Portuguese isn’t bad, thank heavens. I don’t get involved in local fiestas or customs as I’m never here for long enough. But I do feel like a very welcome guest. Portugal, for me, is all about the sunshine, beaches, beach bars, golf and very friendly people.
Life here sounds heavenly. Are there any downsides?
The language is a bit of a problem as I’d love to have proper conversations. I’ve never been much of a linguist, so I’d probably suffer anywhere.
Do you have any tips for readers thinking about purchasing a property in Portugal?
Buying a property isn’t easy, but when has it ever been anywhere? The laws seem to be tightened up and better now.
Any funny stories to tell from your times here?
An ex-pat living out here once said to me “You’re Tim Brooke-Taylor, aren’t you?” I responded, rather proudly, “Yes”, only for her to say “Oh dear, that’s giving my age away!” Another time, in the 70s, The Goodies was showing successfully on Portuguese TV. As I was swimming, suddenly a lovely young Algarvian beauty rose out of the waves and said ‘Goodish’. She followed me up the beach and said to Eric Morecambe “He Goodish” and Eric said “No, he very baddish!”
What is your ideal day spent in the Algarve?
Get up, not too early, and set off for the West Coast, which is still fairly unexplored.
The lovely, long Cornish-type beaches have hardly a soul on them. The Atlantic is cold, but when the days are hot this is a bonus and I love swimming in the sea. A beach bar is then found and a long and moderately alcoholic lunch follows. I never thought I’d drink Mateus rosé again, but cold at lunchtime, it’s delicious. It doesn’t seem to be quite as sweet as it used to be.
And how would you round off that perfect day?
Nine holes of golf, a short siesta and out into Lagos, a surprisingly beautiful and unspoilt town.
So, do your Goodies co-stars Bill and Graeme ever visit?
Shh…Don’t tell them I’m here!
Posted on November 16, 2011 |