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Bill's new blog / Tim in Wraxall 24 Sept / Bill in Rainforest video
19/09/2010 02:25 GMT

Posted by lisa

* There's a new entry on Bill's blog (dated 16 Sept) at


* According to an article on This is Bristol (at  [/url][/url]) Tim will be appearing at a charity dinner in Wraxall this coming Friday evening (24 Sept).  Here is the article, which includes information about buying tickets:

Funnyman aids charity dinner

FORMER Goodie Tim Brooke-Taylor will be on stage in Wraxall to raise money for a North Somerset charity.

The popular comedian, who starred in the smash-hit 1970s TV series The Goodies and is a regular panellist on Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, will discuss his life and work on TV and radio in front of an audience during an interview with former That's Life presenter Chris Serle.

The one-off event takes place at the Downs School next Friday, September 24, to raise funds for Wellspring Counselling, a Nailsea and district charity providing low-cost counselling. Mr Brooke- Taylor offered to front Wellspring Counselling's fundraising venture Friends of Wellspring, which launched last year, because of his long-term support for the sector.

His partner Christine worked as a counsellor and Mr Brooke-Taylor is president of their local Relate couples counselling service.

Tickets for the event, which starts at 7.30pm, cost £10 and are available from Nailsea Music Shop, 79 High Street, or by calling 01275 810879 or 857086.


* A four minute video of Bill visiting the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil can be seen at  Here is information from that page about the video:

Atlantic Rainforest Bill Oddie

September 18, 2010 By Karen Maskall

As part of the preparation for the World Land Trust’s exhibit at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2010, Bill Oddie visited the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil with John Burton, the Trust’s CEO, and representatives from two of the Trust’s corporate supporters, the Body Shop and Enterprise Plants.

They were able to see first hand what the Trust’s partner organisation REGUA has achieved in the past few years, in particular the restoration of rainforests and wetlands.

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