According to the BBC 2 website ( Click here for link ), Bill Oddie will be presenting a series of three wildlife countdowns for the channel.
The first is "Frights and Delights" on Thursday, 6 May at 20:00 (note there's a 5 minutes earlier start on BBC 2 in Scotland and Wales).
Here's a listing: "Can we honestly say we feel the same about all creatures great and small? Bill Oddie challenges the reputations of some of the UK's best known creatures and counts down what he considers the UK's 10 most frightful and the 10 most delightful animals in a light-hearted guide to those creatures we either love or hate. The results are not without a few surprises and comedy twists."
The second show will be "Bill Oddie's Top Ten Aliens" on May 13th at 20:00. (Ooh, how I wish he could include a reference to The Goodies "U-Friend or UFO" episode!
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