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The Goodies

Reminder: Support the appeal for a new GOODIES DVD!
18/04/2010 00:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

Here's a reminder about this important effort.  We're up to 1,500 signatures, including Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden! Good work everyone, and keep spreading the word!

A fan effort to get more Goodies DVDs released is underway.  Please sign this petition (right away, if possible) and spread the word to your friends:

Here's the fuller explanation about the appeal:

Support the appeal for a new GOODIES DVD!

The aim for this rapid-response petition is to give the BBC real statistics, real feedback and a solid case for releasing a new Goodies DVD.

The timeframe is slim-but-possible to have a DVD produced by November 2010 - The Goodies 40th anniversary. With that said, I'm sure you agree that a new Goodies DVD for 2011 is an equally fantastic goal and would be received with much joy.

The petition will be submitted to BBC Worldwide Australia (and BBC Worldwide head office by proxy) on APRIL 26th. Please sign the petition right away if you can; if we can reach our target earlier, then it can be sent in earlier - and a day saved is a day left for processes to take place before November!

We encourage you to use your real name (rather than just a vague username) and to leave a personalised comment wherever possible!  You can choose to keep your email address private.

The petition is at Any additional comments (positive and encouraging) can be left in the threads on the Goodies Rule - OK! forum and the Saucy Gibbon forums.

Finally, you can help by telling others about the petition. Word of mouth is the key to our success here in showing a true groundswell of support for the release. The more people you can get to sign, the quicker we reach our goal – so please spread the word!

Thank you!

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