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Listen Again links for ISIRTA, ISIHAC, etc.
more from same (British Comedy)
British ComedyHere are some Listen Again links.  Note that shows are usually available for a week after their initial broadcast:

* I’m Sorry I'll Read That Again Series 7 Episode 4 (broadcast today on BBC Radio 4 Extra):

* Today's episode of "The Unbelievable Truth", with the panelists Arthur Smith, Tony Hawks, Rhod Gilbert and Charlie Brooker:

* In case I didn't already sent this one, a 1982 episode of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" from BBC Radio 4 Extra. This was broadcast last Thursday and is available through this Thursday morning (UK time):

For those in the UK, the Springwatch Easter Special, which will include a contribution from Bill, will be available after its broadcast from

Posted by lisa at 25/04/2011 20:36 GMT
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new release date for "Astronauts" DVD
more from same (British Comedy)
British ComedyThe release date for Network DVD's "Astronauts: The Complete Series" (which was written by Graeme and Bill) has been pushed back to 4 July.

Posted by lisa at 24/04/2011 02:27 GMT
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Bill's Saga Blog & Springwatch Easter Special (Mon, 25 April)
more from same (Bill's Nature Shows)
Bill's Nature ShowsBill's written a blog for Saga (URL below).  He's also scheduled to appear in the "Springwatch Easter Special" this Monday, 25 April, on BBC 2 at 8pm.

From :

Springwatch: Bill Oddie talks to Saga

With the Springwatch Easter Special being broadcast on BBC2 this Easter Monday, April 25 at 8pm, its inimitable presenter, the former Goodie, naturalist and twitcher extraordinaire Bill Oddie told Saga how the popular programme came into being, plus... Harry Hill, Kate Humble's plans for world domination, Chris Packham's model features, blogging, tweeting and anything else that came into his head:

"Well, well, I never thought I’d see the day. Maybe you never thought you'd see it either. Not if you were already tuning in to Springwatch in the olden times. Before it was even called Springwatch. It started as 'Wild In Your Garden', live from several gardens in Bristol. Next year it went nationwide and became Springwatch by any other name. In fact, the other name was 'Britain Goes Wild'. In the third season, it was finally officially christened Springwatch, which bothered me a bit at the time because it was broadcast in early June, which I rather pedantically pointed out is not spring, unless you live in the Arctic. On the other hand, I had to concede that Springwatch was a very snappy name, perfect for BBC 'branding', and ripe for imitation and parody. Harry Hill must be eternally grateful.

"Anyway, the thing is, back in the early years we were only just beginning to embrace digital technology. Or rather everyone was except me. It became something of a running gag that I didn't even own a computer, let alone know how it worked. I even claimed that my lips were physically incapable of saying 'www' 'forward slash' or even 'dot com'. I insisted that if there were to be any references to 'websites' Kate Humble would do them, which she gamely did, despite my attempts to distract her by waving leaflets or miming using an old fashioned telephone.

"Well, well, how times have changed since then. On Spring and Autumnwatch I have been replaced by a younger model. Actually, Chris Packham isn't a model - although he certainly has the looks - he is a fantastic naturalist, continuing I am happy to note a habit of courting controversy, of which I entirely approve, even if I don't always agree! Simon King has flapped off into cyberspace. I recommend you track him down. While Kate is off pursuing her plan to conquer the world and the entire BBC output. Spices, lambs, birds, animals. Why not combine the lot? 'How to Cook Wildlife - Live!' If Kate doesn't do it, I bet Harry Hill will.

"And what about me ? Well, frankly, even I don't know that. Tell you what, why not visit my website?

"What! Bill Oddie has a website!? Oh yes, and apparently I am on Facebook and Twitter. Except that I am not. Whoever is using my name, it's not me.

"Most recently – I’m getting to the point at last! - I have been recording a short item for the Springwatch Easter Special. Didn't know there was one? Nor me. But there must be, cos I'm on it, a bit. And - wait for it - what do you think I am doing? An item on computers of course! I am explaining how you can enhance your wildlife watching by using the internet! Not only do I recommend various websites you can visit, I also assure you that finding them, navigating round them, and following links to other related sites is really really easy. And to prove it, I am seen doing it myself! No camera tricks. No 'stand in' for the close ups. It is my hand on the mouse. Those are my very own fingers doing the clicking. It is also my voice assuring you that 'if I can do it ,anybody can.' And you know what? I am enjoying it. I think you will too.

"Meanwhile, it's a lovely April spring day In London and I absolutely refuse to stay stuck at my desk for a minute longer staring at a flipping screen. There is only one place I want to be - out!

"Wildlife on the telly, or on the computer, great, but you can't beat the real thing.

"It's been nice blogging. By the way, what is a 'blog'?"

Written by Bill Oddie.

Springwatch Easter Special is broadcast on BBC2, Easter Monday, April 25, at 8pm. Go to

Posted by lisa at 23/04/2011 02:37 GMT
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Reminder: Goodies marathon on The Comedy Channel (Australia) today (22 Apr)!
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesA reminder that Foxtel's Comedy Channel (Australia) is running a Goodies Marathon on Good Friday (Friday 22nd  April). There will be 11 episodes starting at 9:00am.

See details at

Posted by lisa at 22/04/2011 02:29 GMT
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I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Mailout - 12.04.11
more from same (British Comedy)
British ComedyThe following is a mailing from the official I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue mailing list.

-----Original Message-----
From: ISIHAC Info []
Subject: I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Mailout - 12.04.11

Dear I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Mailing List Member,

I bring you notice of the three recordings in the Spring/Summer series of 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue' 2011.  They are as follows:

Monday 9th May at the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham.

A recording for BBC Radio 4.  Tickets are all priced at £5, and are obtainable via the theatre's box office, from 9am on Tuesday 19th April 2011. The Box Office number is 0115 989 5555, and it stays open until 8.30pm. Tickets are only available by calling the Box Office or by visiting in person, unfortunately for this show they is no on-line booking facility
available.  As we anticipate an excellent response to this email, we've asked the Royal Concert Hall to limit the number of tickets to 4 per applicant.

The show starts at 7.30pm (doors 6.45pm) and finishes around 10.15pm.

The recording features Jack Dee in the chair, with Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer and Colin Sell at the piano.

Tuesday 14th June at the Aylesbury Waterside Theatre.

Another recording for BBC Radio 4. Tickets are priced at £9, £7 and £5, and are obtainable via the theatre's booking office on 0844 8717607, from 10am on Tuesday 26th May. Tickets can also be booked online at

You can also purchase tickets by going in person to the Aylesbury Waterside Theatre box office, Exchange Street, HP20 IUG. The box office is open from 10am until 15 minutes after that days show opens. If there is no show it closes at 6pm.  Because of the huge demand for tickets, we've asked the theatre to limit the number of tickets to 4 per

The show starts at 7.30pm (doors 7pm) and finishes around 10.15pm.

The recording features Jack Dee in the chair, with Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer and Colin Sell at the piano.

Thursday 30th June at the Grassington Festival.

Another recording for BBC Radio 4. Tickets are priced at £9, £7 and £5, and are obtainable via the Grassington Festival box office on 01756 752691, from 10am on Thursday 28th April. Otherwise the Festival Box Office is open from 10am-4pm Monday to Saturday (excluding April 29th, the Royal Wedding) Tickets can also be booked online at And tickets can also be purchased by calling in person at The Festival Office, Grassington Hub, 2 Garrs Lane, Grassington BD23 5AT
Because of the huge demand for tickets, we've asked the theatre to limit the number of tickets to 4 per applicant.

The show starts at 7.30pm (doors 7pm) and finishes around 10.15pm.

The recording features Jack Dee in the chair, with Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer and Colin Sell at the piano.

That's about it for now.  Hope to see you at a recording.

With best wishes,

Jon Naismith
Producer, I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue

Posted by lisa at 20/04/2011 03:08 GMT
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Latest C&G hot off the presses
more from same (The Goodies)
The Goodies The April edition of the Goodies Clarion & Globe newsletter (#185) is now available from the website.  It can be accessed from either the Articles / Guides menu on the left or from the Last Articles box at the bottom of this page.

Posted by bretta at 15/04/2011 12:42 GMT
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reminder: 14 April Sydney area pilot recording involving Graeme
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesJust a reminder for the Sydney area fans about the second pilot recording  - tickets are still available.

Here's a message Graeme sent to the Saucy Gibbon forum earlier today:

Could you do us a favour and get the word out to the good chums in the Sydney area that we're recording two more shows tomorrow, Thursday, at 1330 and 1630. It's at:

Studio 2
Media City
Level 2
8 Central Avenue

For free tickets contact our production office: 02 9690 8172 / 3

Here's the info we posted last week:
Last week Graeme mentioned that he and Jon Naismith were heading off to Australia to start setting up a project there.  Today I was contacted regarding the filming of a new comedy panel game show in which Graeme is involved. The production company is extending an invitation to members of the Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club to attend the recordings (details below); Graeme will be there on the days "in a semi-intimate environment".

Tickets to the recordings are free, but limited.  ALL REQUESTS FOR TICKETS must be sent to Mark Aslett ( In your email to Mark be sure to mention you're a member of the Goodies fan club; I was told the production company will make a note of this and try to have Graeme come over to say hello.

Here are the details:


We are filming a new comedy panel game show which features some of Australia’s funniest comedians and need some people to come along and have a laugh.

If you would like to be part of this live entertainment the details are as follows:

Pilot day 1:      Wednesday 13 April,            time: 1630

Pilot day 2:      Thursday 14 April,                time: 1330

Audience Assembly Location: Sette Cafe, eastern wing of Seven’s building, Media City, 8 Central Avenue, Eveleigh. Australian Technology Park.

If you are interested, please email Mark Aslett on 
All Friends and family are welcome! Limited seats available, so it's first in best dressed! 

Many thanks.

Posted by lisa at 13/04/2011 19:38 GMT
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Wildlife Roadshow with Bill Oddie (Idle Valley, Retford, UK) on 7 May
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesThis information comes from


Wildlife Roadshow with Bill Oddie

Idle Valley, Retford

Run by: Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust

A chance to meet TV Wildlife celebrity Bill Oddie (11.30am-2pm) and enjoy a guided walk as well as other fun filled activities

Suitable for any age

Posted by lisa at 13/04/2011 17:07 GMT
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iPlayer links for Graeme on "The Unbelievable Truth" + today's episode of ISIRTA
more from same (British Comedy)
British Comedy* Graeme Garden is one of the panellists in this week's edition of "The Unbelievable Truth". The show is currently available on the BBC iPlayer (available to most of the world); it will be repeated on BBC Radio 4 this coming Sunday at noon.

* Also on the iPlayer, "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" with the second part of the "Professor Prune and the Electric Time Trousers" serial, which was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra (formerly BBC Radio 7) earlier today:

Posted by lisa at 11/04/2011 20:47 GMT
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Goodies marathon on Foxtel's Comedy Channel (22 April)
more from same (The Goodies)
The GoodiesThanks to Anthony Swan for the info that Foxtel's Comedy Channel (Australia) will be running a Goodies Marathon on Good Friday (Friday 22nd April). There will be 11 episodes starting at 9:00am.

The episodes to be shown are

    - Black and White Beauty
    - Love the Police
    - The Stone Age
    - The Goodies - Almost Live
    - For those in Peril on the Sea
    - Way Outward Bound
    - A Kick in the Arts
    - Superstar
    - Kitten Kong Montreaux 72 Edition
    - Invasion of the Moon Creatures
    - The Goodies Rule - OK?

Posted by lisa at 11/04/2011 18:16 GMT
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