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Posts: 270



 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
06/02/2007 14:01 GMT

Sosia :

' Ooh, thanks for that. ok. So if I convert my picture to png and then upload it again, it'll lose the speckles?

Or is it not that simple?

I hope so, or you could simply save the GIF file I have converted already below if you are happy with it - and upload it as your avatar.

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"

Posts: 901



 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
06/02/2007 13:56 GMT

Ooh, thanks for that. ok. So if I convert my picture to png and then upload it again, it'll lose the speckles?

Or is it not that simple?

I'm back, and it's about time!
Last modified: 06/02/2007 13:56 GMT by Sosia

Posts: 270



 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
06/02/2007 13:10 GMT

I don't claim to be an expert in such matters, but I think the cause of the measles/speckles is to do with dithering of the colours.

Basically in computer land there are 216 colours which look like the colour you ask for on all browsers and all computer screen resolution settings. (ie they will never dither) Some colours are also reserved by your operating system.

Now if the colour in your picture is not one of these, it will try to find a close match, (dithering).  Dithering is the attempt by a computer program (eg your browser) to get as close to a colour from a mixture of other colours when the required colour is not available. 

GIF files can only handle up to 256 colours, when you work with a jpg/png file that might have millions of colours in it, it has to downsize it to a gif format, and in the conversion some colour loss has to occur.

If you can upload your file in png format it might look better (as only the gif files here appear to have the measles), or you might need to use the colour replace tool of your imaging editing program to change those speckles to a non-dithering colour.

A list of those colours and the RGB settings can be found in to pick your colours that are closest.
Also check out

hope this helps 

I've removed the dithering in the below gifs to show what they would look like

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"
Last modified: 06/02/2007 13:49 GMT by wahski

Posts: 901



 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
05/02/2007 13:48 GMT


Can you tell I had too much time on my hands at the weekend??

I'm back, and it's about time!

Posts: 4549




 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
05/02/2007 02:20 GMT

Your new avatar is really cute, Sosia!


Posts: 901



 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
04/02/2007 13:28 GMT

My new avatar's suffering from the white speckles too! 

I'm back, and it's about time!
The Minx

Posts: 3

The Minx


 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
28/01/2007 11:23 GMT

Thanks zaphod - you're a star! 

Yes I am nezangel in disguise...oooh what a giveaway!

Posts: 975




 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
28/01/2007 00:48 GMT

Looks like the last time I updated the iamge manipulation libraries on the server, something went a bit lop-sided.  Will try and fix it soon.

Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun


Posts: 385



 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
27/01/2007 20:15 GMT

I don't know, The Minx - like your new name, by the way! My avatar has suffered badly from this problem, as you see! By the way, Suzylee, I love your avatar. Where is that photo from? Looks pretty recent.

The Minx

Posts: 3

The Minx


 Subject:  Re: Uploading a new avatar
27/01/2007 17:51 GMT

Does anyone know why some people have been having trouble with uploading their avatars only to find white bits on the pictures?  It seems to particularly dislike the colour black! 

Yes I am nezangel in disguise...oooh what a giveaway!

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