Subject: Re: posts not showing up 19/02/2007 03:17 GMT
Potential solution... no idea why this works, but it does, for me at least...
Click on thread. Allow to open. If you can't see the last post(s), go to the address bar and delete the last bit of the URL, which will be "&topic=stringofnumbers" and hit enter, and it seems to reload with the missing posts showing up.
Last modified: 19/02/2007 03:19 GMT by jodievdw
Posts: 901
Subject: Re: posts not showing up 03/01/2007 13:53 GMT
When viewing the whole forum, it says that thread's latest poster was Pats/Andrew... but when I open it, their post isn't showing up, and the most recent post is the one before.
I just noticed exactly the same thing ... -- I'm back, and it's about time!
Posts: 1617
Subject: Re: posts not showing up 03/01/2007 02:23 GMT
When viewing the whole forum, it says that thread's latest poster was Pats/Andrew... but when I open it, their post isn't showing up, and the most recent post is the one before.
Last modified: 03/01/2007 02:23 GMT by jodievdw
Posts: 975
Subject: Re: posts not showing up 03/01/2007 01:56 GMT
That's really weird. It's working for everyone else that I can see, so maybe there's something wrong with their accounts?
I'll need some kind of indication of what's wrong before I can even start looking for the cause of the problem. An error message and a page would be really good as a start.
Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun
Posts: 1617
Subject: posts not showing up 03/01/2007 00:04 GMT
Remember JGTMTE's problem where we couldn't see her post on the Tim-fancying thread?
The same seems to be happening for Patsy and Andrew_Pixley's posts.